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Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0687940271

أحداث 2014


أحداثتاريخمكانمعاينة مسبقة
TEDxRoma: “Out of the Box” - Ripensatevi, ricreatevi, rinnovatevi: uscite dagli schemi! 22-02-2014 ROMA, Teatro Olimpico UNINETTUNO partner dell'evento TEDxRoma: “Out of the Box” - Ripensatevi, ricreatevi, rinnovatevi: uscite dagli schemi!
Progetto EDICT - Enterprise Development through Information and Communication Technology, Training of Tutors and Counselors 03-02-2014 ERBIL, Technological Pole Il Dr. Raimondo Sepe – ICT Director / Uninettuno insieme al Dr. Alessandro Caforio – Didactic Coordinator / Uninettuno, partecipano in qualità di formatori al progetto EDICT - Enterprise Development through Information and Communication Technology .
What’s New in Brussels? Recent Developments in European Policies and Programmes - The event dedicated to the recent developments in European policies and programmes. 30-01-2014 BRUSSELS The edition was focused on the new generation of EU funding programmes. Erasmus+ and Horizon2020 were fully presented.

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