Dottorando Ismail Mobasher

Titolo di Laurea
Università presso cui è stato conseguito il titolo
- IAU (Islamic Azad University)
Curriculum formativo
Ismail Mobasher has completed both a BSc and an MSc in Mechanical Engineering at IAU. His MSc thesis focused on Robotics and Trajectory Planning, and he has a strong desire to further his education to deepen his knowledge in this field.
Throughout his MSc studies, Ismail collaborated with Dr. Y. Farzaneh and Dr. B. Lotfi, conducting two research projects on the topics of 'Trajectory planning for parallel manipulators' and 'removing Backlash in Actuating Joints of parallel Manipulators.' Notably, he has been making progress in publishing his dissertation work, with ongoing efforts to write four Conference Papers and two ISI Journal Articles.
In addition to his academic pursuits, Ismail has accumulated 11 years of experience in English Language Teaching, further demonstrating his proficiency.
He has also gained practical experience in industrial and engineering firms, where he worked with various engineering software tools such as SOLIDWORKS, CATIA, AutoCAD, and REVIT, as well as analytical software like MATLAB and Simulink for his thesis.
His professional experience in engineering firms has honed his ability to work effectively in a team, fostering a strong sense of collaboration. Ismail has also undertaken several software courses, enhancing his skillset. While presenting his conference papers, he has provided valuable feedback to fellow scholars and identified his own strengths.
Informazioni generali sul corso di dottorato di afferenza
Ciclo del corso: Ciclo XXXV
Nome del corso: Dottorato di Ricerca in Ingegneria dell'Innovazione Tecnologica
Durata del corso in anni: 3
Iscritto al: 3
Informazioni relative al percorso di ricerca del Dottorando
Insegnamenti obbligatori scelti:
- Piattaforme per i Big Data - 6 CFU;
Totale CFU: 6
Insegnamenti a libera scelta:
Totale CFU: 0
Progetto di ricerca
Obiettivi del progetto di ricerca intrapreso
Linee di ricerca esplorate
Metodologie utilizzate
Descrizione dei risultati del progetto conseguiti allo stato attuale
Seminari (seguiti o tenuti per almeno 4 CFU)
Conteggio N_Uditore-N_Relatore: 0-0
Da relatore: N.A.
Da uditore:
Da relatore:
Attività di ricerca (fino a 38 CFU)
Prodotti di ricerca
Pubblicazioni su rivista
Pubblicazioni in libri o cataloghi
Pubblicazioni in atti di convegno
Totale dei prodotti di ricerca
Tesi di dottorato: