Dottorando Argha Kumar Jena
Titolo di Laurea
- Master of Laws (LL.M.) - International Dispute Resolution
Università presso cui è stato conseguito il titolo
- Humboldt Universität Zu Berlin
Curriculum formativo
Mr. Argha Kumar Jena is an attorney from India and Ph.D. scholar at UNINETTUNO composing his dissertation in the area FDI Control and Sustainable Development Goals. He has an LL.M. from the Humboldt University of Berlin and serves as an Assistant Country Reporter (India) for the CELIS Institute (Berlin). As a practitioner in International Dispute Resolution, he has been associated with international law firms in Germany and India, while having advised and represented clients from Europe, Asia, and the Middle East periodically in international transactions and disputes. Additionally, he is associated as a senior researcher with legal experts from Germany and Sweden advising the European Commission and governments of European Union (EU) Member States in international investment disputes.
Informazioni generali sul corso di dottorato di afferenza
Ciclo del corso: XXXVII
Nome del corso: Dottorato di ricerca in Diritto ed Economia della Società Digitale
Durata del corso in anni: 3
Iscritto al: 2
Informazioni relative al percorso di ricerca del Dottorando
Insegnamenti obbligatori scelti:
- Research Methodologies.
- Innovations in Banking and Finance.
- Advanced Financial Accounting.
- Banking and Financial Law.
Totale CFU:
Insegnamenti a libera scelta:
Research in New Technologies
Totale CFU:
Progetto di ricerca
Obiettivi del progetto di ricerca intrapreso
Research Question: How does interplay of FDI Control Regulations and Investment Protection Standards under IIAs impact implementation of Sustainable Development Standards? Core Research Objective: Aligning the understanding of Sustainable Development Standards with the effects of evolving policies in FDI control.
Linee di ricerca esplorate
International Investment Law, International Securities Law, Geo-economics, International Trade Law, International Environmental Law, International Human Rights Law, Crypto-Assets, Digital Currencies.
Metodologie utilizzate
Legal Dogmatic Approach; Policy-Oriented Approach; Comparative Analysis.
Descrizione dei risultati del progetto conseguiti allo stato attuale
Economic Sector-wise regulations have been segregated; Developments in 5 named jurisdictions (India, Italy, USA, China and at the EU level) recorded.
Seminari (seguiti o tenuti per almeno 4 CFU)
Conteggio N_Uditore-N_Relatore:
Da uditore:
Da relatore:
- CELIS Forum on Investment Screening 2022 (Uppsala Sweden)
- Doctoral Seminar on FDI Control in the age of Geo-economics (Passau, Germany)
- Conference on Understanding National Security Concerns in light of FDI Screening (Rome, Italy)
Attività di ricerca (fino a 38 CFU)
Prodotti di ricerca
Lista delle pubblicazioni su rivista
- Di Sacco Ginevri, A., Locci, L., Jena, A. (2021) Artificial Intelligence and Corporate Governance. Law and Economics Yearly Review, Vol. 10 - Part 2, 295, ISSN 2050-9014
Totale dei prodotti di ricerca: 1
Tesi di dottorato: 1