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Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Terms and conditions – Didactic Regulations

Attendance certification modes of for the acknowledgement of full payment of the course by ENEL

The relationship aimed at the development and delivery of the courses will be exclusively between UNINETTUNO and the student.

ENEL will be exclusively responsible for acknowledging the payment of the enrolment fee to all the students who will join the initiative and the full payment of the same to the students who will have viewed at least 70% of the total minutes of the single videolessons composing the chosen Short Learning Program*..

The course attendance will be verified by the tracking and statistics systems of the learning environments of the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO.

The course attendance will be certified at the end of the course delivery period (varying from 8 to 12 weeks depending on the duration and on the Training Credits assigned to the course itself) on a date established in agreement with Enel.

In particular, they will consider as attending students those who, at the end of the delivery period, will have viewed at least 70% of the total minutes of the individual video lessons that make up the Short Learning Program they attend.

The attendance report will be generated by UNINETTUNO learning analytics systems and will be sent to ENEL exclusively for the purpose of acknowledging the payment of the course.The report will certify the correct participation and attendance rate to the single study programs; the data will be processed in compliance with the data processing protocols undersigned between the university and the student.

Exam Admission Modes:

All students who have met the minimum criteria for participation and attendance will be able to apply for enrollment in examinations for the achievement of university credits corresponding to the program of study in which they are enrolled.

The minimum criteria for admission to the exam established by the University are:
  1. Having watched all the videolessons at least once;
  2. Having completed at least two exercises offered online.

The following constitute elements of evaluation for admission to the exam:

  1. The results of the quantitative tracking (evaluations and statistics) of the activities in the didactic cyberspace in which the student has participated (number of accesses to the video library and media library, number of exercises performed and their average evaluation/self-evaluation)
  2. The qualitative evaluation by the Teacher/Tutor of the interactive teaching activities carried out by each student (Forums, Interactive Classes, Exercises).

Admission to the exam will be established by the Teacher/Tutor responsible for the Short Learning Program.

On-Line Examination Booking Procedures:

The student can book online for the exam by following a few simple procedures:

  • Connect to the Administrative Secretariat at
  • Enter username and password received upon enrolment
  • In the Student’s Area choose the link "Exams" and then the link "Sessions". The exams for which it is possible to carry out the online enrolment procedure will be displayed.
  • A graphic icon will allow you to access all the information related to the chosen exam session and to the guided booking system.

Only students who have been admitted by the Teacher/Tutor of reference for their SLP will be able to take the exam.

Documents for the exam

In order to participate in the exam, it is necessary for the student to personally attend the exam session bringing a valid identification document.

Exam grade assignment system

The final exam grade will be based on the results of the final face-to-face test and will be expressed in thirtieths. Passing the exam with a minimum grade of 18/30 will allow the accreditation of the ECTS credits of the exam, on the scientific disciplinary field of the Short Learning Program, for the EQF level of the same, on the student's academic exams booklet.

Recording of the exam and publication of the results

The results of the oral exam will be communicated and recorded at the end of the exam. The student can then consult them on the electronic notice board available in the Administrative Secretariat (

The student who has not passed the test can retake the exam at the next session. A total of 2 appeals will be organized for each of the SLPs, , one month apart.


* ENEL will take care of recognizing the payment of the enrollment to all students who join the initiative (down payment of 50% of the total amount due) and the full payment of the courses (balance of 50% of the total amount due) to students who have viewed at least 70% of the total minutes of the individual videolessons of the Short Learning Program chosen. If students have not totaled the minimum attendance requirements for full payment of the course, they will not be required to pay in full. The students will interrupt their course of study and will be able to resume it later, establishing exclusively with UNINETTUNO, according to its regulations, the modes and times for the payment of the remaining amount for the resumption of their studies.