SLP Area Law in the Digital Society
In the current context of reference within the company it is crucial to have knowledge of the law of new technologies, in the light of the evolution of legislation, case law and doctrine, national and supranational, using also the analysis of significant case studies, in order to have interpretative tools on the discipline and issues relating to the use of information technology.
In the contemporary digital era, moreover, it is necessary to acquire orientation skills and aptitude to deal with the main legal issues posed by information technology, being able to analyze concrete cases and solve specific problems.
For this reason, for those who carry out activities of legal relevance is essential knowledge of issues such as:
- regulation of the digital society; notions of computer science; legal computer science; elements of legal computer science and digital tools of the jurist; computer science law.
- personal rights and digital innovation: protection of personal data; digital identity; right to be forgotten; intellectual property, copyright and legal licenses; protection of software and databases.
- legal instruments and new technologies: electronic documents; electronic signatures; computer-network communications; digital contracts.
- emerging technologies and law: data society and data governance; open data; big data; Internet of Things (IoT); artificial intelligence; distributed ledger technologies (DLT); block-chain; smart contracts.
- liability and ICT: provider liability; elements of criminal law; cybercrimes; notions of digital forensics.
Considering these needs, UNINETTUNO proposes a set of Short Learning Programs designed to provide competences related to the legal aspects of digital technologies.
Browse available programs
If you are a student already enrolled in one of the Digital Economy Area Short Learning Programs, you may contact the following Office for more information:
Da una recente indagine svolta da Unioncamere-Anpal (“Impatti dell’emergenza Covid-19 sulle imprese e prospettive di ripresa rilevati attraverso il sistema informativo Excelsior”, luglio 2020) emerge, tra l’altro, che “L’attuale situazione di crisi ha portato le aziende ad accelerare i processi di digitalizzazione e a puntare maggiormente su quegli ambiti che si sono rilevati strategici nella gestione dell’emergenza. Cresce, in particolare, l’interesse delle imprese all’adozione di soluzioni digitali per una innovativa organizzazione del lavoro e delle relazioni con clienti e fornitori; all’implementazione di reti digitali integrate favorite anche da una maggiore diffusione del Cloud Computing, alla diffusione di Internet ad alta velocità e all’introduzione di tecnologie Internet of Things. Inoltre, in prospettiva, le imprese investiranno molto di più nell’utilizzo dei Big Data, del Digital marketing e più avanzata personalizzazione di prodotti/servizi”.