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Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0687940271
On Tuesday, May the 26 The Impact on Cultural Industry: Survival or Recovery? will be held online.
On Thursday, the 21st May, the Digital Talk, organized by UNINETTUNO Law Faculty, entitled “The Sources of Law and the Organization of the State at the Test of the Emergency: Who governs the Fundamental Rights?” will be held online.
On Tuesday, the 19th May, at 5 pm, the Digital Talk, organized by UNINETTUNO during the Covid-19 emergency, entitled “Public Investments: The Role of the State and Public-Private Finance” will take place online.
On Thursday, the 14th May, at 9:30 am, the Digital Talk, organized by UNINETTUNO’s Law Faculty, entitled “The Law to the Test of Covid-19”, will be held online.
On Tuesday, the 12th May, at 5 pm, the Digital Talk, comprised in the cycle organized by UNINETTUNO during the Covid-19 emergency, entitled “The Tightness of the Economic System between Financial Markets and Investments”, will be held online.
Book presentations just a click away to support the publishing industry and promote reading in this emergency times.
L'Università Telematica Internazionale Uninettuno ha organizzato venerdì 8 maggio, alle 17:00, in diretta streaming su www.uninettunouniversity.net e sulla Pagina FB Uninettuno, il Digital [...]
On Tuesday, May the 5th , at 5 pm,the second Digital Talk, comprised in the cycle organized by UNINETTUNO during the Covid-19 emergency, entitled “Emergency and its Conflicts” will be held online.