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News 2021

January     July     September     October     November


Mercoledì 17 novembre si è tenuta la cerimonia conclusiva della seconda edizione di “Scuola di Formazione Post Carriera Società Sportiva Lazio – Settore Giovanile e Squadra Femminile”, il progetto nato dall’accordo siglato a luglio 2019 tra&nb [...]


UNINETTUNO and COPEAM, thanks to the support of the EIB - European Investment Bank, launch the second edition of the international e-learning course “Reporting Climate Change” during the opening works of the Glasgow Coop 26.


 (Artificial Intelligence and Corporate Governance): a new article by Prof. Andrea Sacco Ginevri, full professor of Law of Economy of the Law Faculty of the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO.


The UNINETTUNO Telematic University and the Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia (UNED) launch the first international virtual mobility program, independently and directly managed by the universities.


Kick-off of the second edition of “Re-Generation ENEL the educational project organized by Enel Italia and by the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO to offer opportunities for professional retraining and academic training to the energy company's employees on the issues related t [...]


The new course will be presented by the Telematic University today, at 6 p.m. The event, moderated by Psychology Faculty’s Prof. Massimo Ammaniti, well-known psychiatrist and psychoanalyst and introduced by the greetings of Prof. Maria Amata Garito, Rector of the International Telematic U [...]


Il portale italiano dedicato alla  formazione online Atenei Online intervista il Rettore Professoressa Maria Amata Garito, dall’aprile del 2005  alla guida di Uninettuno.


The States General of Memory Project and the UNINETTUNO University propose, for this edition of the 2021 Holocaust Memorial Day, a more-in-depth study of memory as a value and cornerstone of human activities.


On Wednesday 27 January the Rector of the UNINETTUNO International Telematic University Prof. Maria Amata Garito and the Rerttore Université Catholique de Lille Prof. Patrick Scauflaire, sign the Double Degree academic agreement for the Master of Science in BUSINESS MANAGEMENT AND DIGITAL TEC [...]

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