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On Wednesday 27 January the Rector of the UNINETTUNO International Telematic University Prof. Maria Amata Garito and the Rector of the Université Catholique de Lille Prof. Patrick Scauflaire, sign the Double Degree academic agreement for the Master of Science in BUSINESS MANAGEMENT AND DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES. The program will be proposed with an innovative "blended" approach: students will follow the first year of the course in e-learning mode through the teaching model of the International Telematic University Uninettuno while the second year will be in presence at the Campus of the Catholic University of Lille.

The agreement born from the collaboration between the Faculty of Economics of the International Telematic University Uninettuno and the Facultè de Gestion Economie & Sciences of the Catholic University of Lille, acquires even greater importance in a particular historical moment such as the one we are experiencing characterized by the spread of pandemic linked to the COVID-19 virus that imposes restrictions on traditional face-to-face teaching methods and new solutions to meet the needs of students and educational institutions in Europe and around the world. The course will be delivered in English. An educational path that aims to train international students to understand and manage the evolution of markets and new technologies through an innovative and flexible teaching methodology combin some of the best European experiences in online teaching in e-learning mode (Uninettuno) and traditional (the Université Catholique de Lille).