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Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0687940271


Teaching activities planning

Link available also in the student’s page: click here

Delivery period

It is the period, during which the presence tutor, who supports the class and plans synchronic activities, supplemented by educational materials, is available

For each academic year, there are three delivery periods: from September to December, from January to March and from May to July.

Each delivery period precedes an exam session.

Exam session

It is the period during which the exams take place. There are three sessions: the winter, spring and summer one.

Each session comprises two calls and to each of them corresponds an enrolment period. Anything concerning the exam calendar and bookings for exams will be communicated to you from a special email box on your UNINETTUNO email account.

October special session

It is the third call for the May-July delivery period, after those of July and September.

Didactic Cyberspace

Link available in the website homepage: click here

The Student’s Page

It includes all the functionalities to study online and enroll in classes, beside notifications about the forums of the modules to which you are enrolled, the agenda, which you will need to follow the tutors’ activities.

Professor - Tutor

For each module, you will be able to refer to a qualified Tutor, specialized in the subject.

The Tutor’s Page

Once enrolled in the class of the subject, you will find the name of Tutor to refer to beside the name of the module in your Student’s Page.

Clicking on the Tutor’s name you will be able to access the dedicated page in which you will find his e-mail address. You can get in touch with him via e-mail using your own University e-mail account.

Synchronic Activities - Agenda

During the delivery periods, the Tutor puts on the Agenda the meetings scheduled for the Synchronic Activities, namely:

  • Interactive Classrooms: meetings between the Tutor and the Students of the course. In order to attend an Interactive Classrooms you will only need to click on the link available in the Agenda. The main Interactive Classrooms are recorded and stored in the menu at the left side of the page of each course (“Past Interactive Classrooms”)

  • Tutoring: individual meetings with the Tutor. You can book an appointment via e-mail a few days before the tutoring date scheduled on the Agenda, specifying the name of the course.

Attendance to synchronic activities is recommended and optional.

N.B.: Beside Interactive Classrooms, you can watch the main Virtual Classrooms for each module by click on the “Past Virtual Classrooms” link that you will find in the menu on the left side of the page of each module.


Subjects included in your study program.

Educational Materials

For each module, you can use the left side menu to download the slides of each videolesson, consult all the educational materials provided to deepen the study of the subject, as, for example, Conceptual Maps, Slides, Books and Articles.

You can access the Students’ Community to consult the “File Sharing” section: click here


The Tutor provides two types of exercises that you will find in the left side menu of the module’s page:

  • Exercises: open-ended questions; you will be able to download the document, ask the questions and submit it to the Tutor via email;
  • Interactive exercises: multiple-choice questions, the completed exercise is automatically uploaded into the platform with no need to submit it to the Tutor..


The Forum’s main page: click here

In the Forum you will be able to read the Welcome Letter that the Tutors post at the beginning of each Delivery Period, to consult open discussions and create new ones.

Each Tutor uses the Forum to communicate important information to the students; therefore, we would recommend you to access it regularly. We recommend you to enable forums’ notifications.

Assessments and Statistics

The system tracks your learning progresses!

The link related to Assessments and Statistics is available in the “Tutor” section, on the left side of the module’s page.

Statistics are updated every 24 hours.