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Institutive Decree n.109 12 May 2005

Content of the Decree of 15th April 2005

Supplemento ordinario alla Gazzetta Ufficiale n°109 del 12 maggio 2005 - Serie generale



DECREE 15th April 2005.
Establishment of the International Telematic Non State University "Uninettuno".


Seen the Royal Decree of 31st August 1933, n. 1592;

Seen the Decree of the President of the Republic of 11th July 1980, n. 382;

Seen the Law of 9th May 1989, n. 168;

Seen the Law of 19th November 1990, n. 341

Seen the Law of 29th July 1991, n. 243;

Seen the Law of 15th March 1997, n. 59;

Seen the Ministerial Decree of 3rd November 1999, n. 509 by which the regulation concerning the Universities' didactic autonomy was endorsed, in compliance with art. 17, para. 95, of the law n.127 of the 15th May 1997;

Seen the Ministerial Decree of 4th August 2000 by which the classes of the university degrees were identified;

Seen the Ministerial Decree of 22nd October 2004, n. 270, by which the regulation concerning the universities' didactic autonomy was amended and subsequently endorsed by Decree of the Minister of the University, Scientific and Technological Research of 3rd November 1999, n. 509;

Seen the Law of 19th October 2004, n. 370,

Seen the action plan of the European Union Committee of 24th May 2000 and 28th March 2001 - e-learning Action Plan - Designing Tomorrow's Education

Seen the Resolution of the Council of the Ministers of Education of the European Union of 13th July 2001 on e-Learning (2001/C 204/02), which fosters new learning methods and approaches within the Member States as well as the promotion of virtual mobility and projects for trans-national virtual campuses;

Seen the Resolution n. 2318/2003/CE of 5th December 2003 of the European Parliament and Council concerning the adoption of a long-term

programme (2004-2006) in view of a real integration of the information and communication technologies (ICTs) within the European education and training systems (e-Learning Programme);

Acknowledged that the above mentioned decision aims at supporting the initiatives of the EU Member States both in the field of distance education- even with specific resources- and the university ones, within priority sectors of intervention ;

Seen the Law of 27th December 2002, n. 289, including measures for establishing the State annual and long-term budget (Financial Law 2003) and more precisely art. 26, concerning initiatives related to technological innovation;

Considered that para. 5 of the above mentioned art. 26 establishes that "by Decree of the Ministry of Education, University and Research, adopted in agreement with the Minister for Innovation and Technologies, the criteria and the accreditation procedures of the distance university courses and university institutions authorised to issue academic titles are established, in compliance with the rules defined by the Decree of the Minister of University and of Scientific and Technological Research on 3rd November 1999, n. 509, at the end of the courses, with no additional charges for the State budget";

Seen the inter-ministerial Decree of 17th April 2003 by which the criteria and accreditation procedures of the distance education courses of both state and non-state universities as well as of the university institutions authorised to issue academic titles specified in art. 3 of the Ministerial Decree of 3rd November 1999, n. 509;

Seen the inter-ministerial Decree of 25th June 2003 by which the Experts Committee specified in art. 5 of the above mentioned decree of 17th April 2003 was appointed;

Seen the Ministerial Decree of 3rd September 2003 by which the objectives related to the programming of the university system for the three-year period 2004-2006 were established;

Seen the subsequent 'Note of policy' issued by the Minister for Education, University and Research, adopted on 4th December 2003, prot. n. 1643, which identifies the contents of the university programming and the operational indications with reference to the establishment of new non-state universities - included those envisaged in the above-mentioned interministerial Decree of 17th April 2003 ;

Seen the application filed on 13th July 2004 for the establishment of a Telematic University named "Università Telematica Internazionale Uninettuno" (International Telematic University Uninettuno);

Acknowledged that the quoted application has been integrated by subsequent documentation transmitted on 17th January 2005 and 7th February 2005;

Seen the advice given by the National University Council in the meeting of 16th December 2004;

Seen the advice given by the quoted Board of experts during the meeting of 17th March 2005;

Noted that the programming of the educational offer of the above-named Telematic University complies, from a minimum structural requirement viewpoint, with the criteria and parameters defined by the National Council for the Evaluation of the University System (CNVSU) in its DOC3/03 of April 2003;

Art. 1

  1. The International Telematic non-state University "Uninettuno" is established, dating from the date of the present decree.
  2. The University is authorized to establish and activate the following degree courses - in compliance with art. 3 of the Min. Decree of 3rd November 1999 n. 509;

    Civil engineering (class 8),

    Computer Science engineering (class 9);

    Management engineering (class 10);

    Legal expert in development and internationalisation of enterprises (class 2);

    Cultural Assets Operator (class 13);

    Economics and Business Management (class 17);

    Psycho-social Disciplines (class 34).

  3. In the sense of arts 4 and 6 of the interministerial Decree of 17th April 2003, the degree courses mentioned in the above para. 2 are accredited for issuing the related academic titles at the end of the courses themselves.
Art. 2
  1. The Statute and Didactic University Regulation - enclosed to the present Decree - of the Telematic University in art.1 are therefore approved.
Art. 3
  1. At the end of the third and fifth year of activity of the Telematic University established in art. 1, the National Council for the Evaluation of the University System will make an evaluation of the obtained results, also on the basis of the yearly reports of the internal self-evaluation group of the University itself;
  2. The present Decree will be transmitted to the Ministry of Justice for its publication in the Gazzetta Ufficiale della Repubblica Italiana.

Rome, the 15th of April 2005

The Minister: Moratti

12-5-2005 Ordinary Supplement to GAZZETTA UFFICIALE General series - n. 109


Article 1

Object and aims

  1. The International Telematic University UNINETTUNO, hereinafter named “University”, is established, and its central location is in Rome.
  2. The University will perform research, study and education activities by means of distance education tools, according to the criteria and requirements envisaged for the courses’ accreditation ex art. 4 and related technical annex of D.M. 17 April 2003. For this objective to be achieved, it will adopt initiatives to make the services offered to the students in distance courses accessible, to ease entry conditions in the labor market for young people, and strengthen the professional training of workers, in relation to the conditions of the social and economic system at national, European and international level.
  3. The Universitywill grant the academic titles envisaged in art. 3 of D.M. 22 October 2004, n. 270.
  4. The University will act with full scientific, didactic, organisational, financial and accounting autonomy, in compliance with the principles established by the Constitution, the State laws and European Union regulation.The University pursues its autonomy in a way to guarantee efficiency in terms of activities, transparency and publicity in terms of its procedures and decisions. By so doing it therefore establishes suitable control and testing tools.
  5. The University promotes activities of research, professional consulting and services in favour of third parties, on the ground of specific contracts and conventions.
  6. The University together with national and international organisations contributes to the definition and implementation of programs of scientific cooperation, and education.
  7. In view of achieving an international cooperation, the University can enter into agreements and conventions with Universities and cultural and scientific institutions of other countries; by so doing it can therefore promote and encourage international exchange of teachers, researchers and students, even with an economic involvement.

Article 2

Modalities and tools

  1. The University is promoted by UNINETTUNO s.r.l., which ensures the pursuit of its institutional goals.
  2. The University pursues its institutional goals through the use of the most advanced didactical methodologies and most recent e-learning technologies as to distance education of students/users, with particular attention to the needs of adults, the workers and disabled people.
  3. The financial tools to achieve and develop the goals and the activities of the University result from: the income of school taxes and contributions made by students, other earnings from institutional activities, allocations and funds being assigned to it for whatever reason, public bodies, companies and private people interested in the achievement of its institutional goals. At the beginning Consorzio NETTUNO will put materials and didactical contents related to the distance courses, at its disposal.
  4. The University guarantees the freedom of research and teaching granted by the Constitution, in compliance with the EU regulation and the cultural differences of the Countries which will be adhering to this initiative. To this end, the University contributes to the development of the scientific research related to the application of technologies in face-to-face / distance teaching and learning processes, and - more in general -technological innovation. It is also responsible for training and updating its staff and it will be able to start publishing activities.
  5. The teaching body, the technical and administrative staff, and the students being main components of the University, will contribute to the achievement of its institutional goals, in relation to their respective roles and responsibilities.
  6. The University will proceed to the systematic evaluation of the scientific, didactic and administrative activities following criteria of effectiveness and efficiency, in order to ensure the ongoing improvement of its own quality level and optimisation of available resources.

Article 3

Governing Bodies

  1. The Governing bodies of the University are the following:
    a) The Board of Directors;
    b) The President;
    c) The Rector;
    d) The Academic Senate;
    e) The Faculty Council;<
    f) The Evaluation Team;
    g) The Board of the Auditors.

Article 4

The Board of Directors – Composition

  1. Members of the Board of Directors are:
    a) the President of UNINETTUNO s.r.l.;
    b) three representatives chosen by UNINETTUNO s.r.l.;
    c) the Rector;
    d) two members chosen by the Academic Senate among the tenured Professors of the University;
    e) a representative of the Ministry of Education, University and Scientific Research;
    f) a representative of each public or private subject, but not over a maximum of three, who commits to pay- for at least five years- a contribution for the functioning of the University, whose minimum amount is determined by a resolution of the Board of Directors.
  2. The fact that one or more representatives are not appointed is not prejudicial to the validity of the constitution of the Board.
  3. The members of the Board of Directors indicated sub b) d) e) and f), hold their office for five years.

Article 5

The Board of Directors - Competences

  1. The Board of Directors is responsible for planning, dealing with the University policy and supervising its administrative, financial and economic-patrimonial management.
  2. It is within the competences of the Board of Directors:
    1. To endorse policies of development and international relations proposed by the President;
    2. To approve both the budget and final balance of the University;
    3. To decide the activation or cancellation of the study courses, on suggestion of the Didactic-scientific Commission;
    4. Toappoint the Rector, on proposal of the AcademicSenate;
    5. To approve, with the absolute majority of its Members, and after the advice of the Academic Senate, the proposals of modifications to the present Statute and University Didactic Regulation, as well as the General Regulation of the University and its modifications, to be submitted to the legitimacy and merits control of the Ministry for Education, University and Research, according to the current regulations;
    6. To take decisions on the recruitment of the non-teaching managerial staff and – after the proposal of the Academic Senate – on the call of the tenured professors and the researchers;
    7. To approve, with the absolute majority of its Members, the Regulation for the administration, finance and accounting and the related modifications, to be submitted to the legitimacy and merits control of the Ministry for Education, University and Research, according to the current regulations;
    8. To establish the amount of the enrolment tax, the contributions and the possible tax relieves;
    9. To carry out any other function not assigned to other bodies;
    10. To appoint the Members of the Evaluation Team and approve its rules of functioning.
  3. The decisions of the Board are adopted with the majority of the votes of the members entitled. Should an equal number of votes take place, the vote of the President will prevail.
  4. The Board of Directors is convened, also in videoconference, at least twice a year, and every time the President deems it is necessary, or upon request of at least a third of its members.

Article 6

The President of the University

  1. The President:
    1. guarantees the fulfillment of the statutory goals;
    2. is the legal representative of the University;
    3. convenes and is the chairman of the meeting of the Board of Directors and provides for the implementation of the decisions of the Board;
    4. proposes the policies of development and international relations to be submitted to theBoard of Directors for approval;
    5. provides for the implementation of the decisions and measures taken by the Board of Directors.

Article 7

The Rector

  1. The Rector is appointed by the Board of Directors made of well known scientific university professors.
  2. The Rector:
    a) submits a yearly report on the scientific and didactic activity to the Board of Directors;
    b) presides over the development of scientific and didactic activity;
    c) presides over the Academic Senate and provides for the implementation of its decisions.

  3. The Rector appoints a Pro-Rector chosen from among the full professors of the University, in order to act as his deputy in case of absence or impediment.
  4. The Rector holds his office for five years and may be re-elected.

Article 8

The Academic Senate

  1. The Academic Senate consists of the Rector, who convenes and presides over it, and of the deans of the Faculties established and activated Faculties.
  2. The Academic Senate is responsible for the direction, coordination, supervision and monitoring of the education and scientific research activities.
  3. In particular, the Academic Senate:
    1. Prepares the didactic organisation and regulations of the courses, in compliance with the existing law ;
    2. Defines the criteria for the appointment of the deans of the faculties;
    3. Proposes the creation, modification and cancellation of the didactic and research structures of the University;
    4. Gives his advice on the criteria for the allocation of the financial resources meant for both the didactic and research activities.

Article 9

Operational Management System

  1. The System of Operational Management aims at ensuring the correct and effective functioning of the structures and activities within the University.
  2. The System is made of seven departments headed by a Responsible officer, hereunder quoted:
    1. Administrative department: it carries out the responsibility of managing General Accountancy, Analytic Accounting, Provisioning and Supplying;
    2. Personnel department: it is responsible for the human resources management;
    3. Marketing department: it is responsible for the promotional and marketing activities supporting the development and strengthening of the University;
    4. Department for the supply of didactic services: it is responsible for ensuring the effective coordination and the operational support of didactic activities, and for ensuring the compliance with the Statute of the Student Services. In particular, this department is in charge of the Secretariat for Students, the coordination of the Technological Poles on the territory, the management of programs schedule supporting the distance delivery of university courses, and the on-line didactics management;
    5. Production department: it is in charge of managing the correct development and updating of the didactic contents;
    6. Technological department: it is responsible for ensuring the full efficiency of the technological infrastructures, in particular with reference to the planning of the development of the software platform;
    7. Research and Development department: it is in charge of the promotion of the research activities as well as technological, didactic and scientific development.

Article 10

The Technological Pole

  1. The Technological Pole is a didactic structure provided by the new Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), distributed all over the national and international territory; besides delivering education services to students/users, it is in charge of coordinating and supervising the education and scientific research activities within the area of competence. Its essential role can be identified in the management of the distance degree courses, in compliance with the existing national laws and internal regulations.
  2. The Technological Pole manages and delivers education services which integrate the distance ones, according to the educational needs related to the active labor policies of the specific Region where it is located.
  3. In particular the Technological Pole:
    1. Promotes and coordinates design, relation and development activities within the territorial framework of its competence;
    2. Is in charge of the Distance Learning Office, at disposal of all the students enrolled;
    3. Activates multi-medial positions and provides for the upkeep of the network and technological plants;
    4. Takes care of the management and up-keeping of the INTERNET site containing all the local information;
    5. Implements and coordinates the local web site and updates it continuously, according to the specific needs of the students;
    6. Coordinates and plans the promotion and orientation activities, also those on-line, locally based.

Article 11

Evaluation Team

  1. The University adopts a system of evaluation of the administrative management, didactic and research activities, as well as interventions in support of the right to study. The evaluation functions are carried out by the Evaluation Team, consisting of a number of members determined within the limits and according to the criteria established by the current regulations.
  2. The University provides the Evaluation Team with the operational autonomy, the right of accessing data and information needed, besides the publicity and dissemination of acts in compliance with the regulations and the respect of privacy.
  3. The Evaluation Team is in charge for five years.

Article 12

The Board of the Auditors

  1. The Board of the Auditors of the University is made of three actual and two deputy members, chosen mainly from among the people enlisted in the Register of Auditors.
  2. The procedures of appointment and operation of the Board of the Auditors are established in the Regulations for the administration, auditing and management of the University adopted by theBoard of Directors.
  3. The Board of Auditors holds the office for five years.

Article 13


  1. In the framework of the present Statute, Faculties will enjoy full scientific and didactic autonomy and their primary aim will be the promotion and organisation of didactic activities in order to have academic titles, as well as other didactic activities provided by the law, the Statute and the Regulations.
  2. The Faculty’s bodies are:
    1. The Dean;
    2. The Faculty Council.
  3. The Dean represents the Faculty, he promotes and coordinates its activity, sees for the fair running of the Faculty and supervises the enforcement of the resolutions of the Faculty Council. In particular, the Dean:
    1. convenes and chairs the Faculty Council, and sets its agenda;
    2. ensures the compliance with the rules of law, the Statute and Regulations as regards didactics;
    3. supervises the fair implementation of the Faculty activities;
    4. is a member of the Academic Senate by rights;
    5. pursues all other functions that fall within his competence according to the rules of law, the Statute and Regulations.
  4. The Dean is appointed among tenured and untenured professors, belonging to the first bracket, entitled to passive eligibility for election in compliance with the existing rules of law. He is appointed by the Rector. The Dean can hold office for three academic years and can be re-elected for no more than two consecutive terms.
  5. The Dean is elected by the tenured professors, belonging to the first bracket. The session for the election of the Dean is chaired by the senior member of the Faculty. The procedures for the election are provided by the general regulations of the University.

Article 14

Faculty Council

  1. The Faculty Council is made of professors who are tenured or untenured, belonging to the first and to the second bracket. In compliance with general regulations of the University, the Faculty Council includes the representatives of the university researchers too. The runningprocedures of each Faculty Council are established by the Faculty regulations, decided by the Council in compliance with the provisions of the general regulations of the University.
  2. The duties of the Faculty Council include:
    1. The preparation and approval of the proposals for the development of the Faculty, in order to identify the University development programmes;
    2. The planning and organisation of the didactic activities in compliance with the decisions of the Board of Directors and the Academic Senate;
    3. The preparation of proposals as to all deeds aimed at assuring all the implemented teaching courses;
    4. The preparation of proposals as it regards the admission criteria to study courses;
    5. The fulfilment of all the other tasks assigned to it, in compliance with the University regulations, except for those assigned to the other bodies provided for by the present Statute.

Article 15

Teaching Body and Researchers

  1. The teaching courses included into the syllabuses envisaged by the University Didactic Regulations are delivered by university professors, belonging to the first and second bracket, by researchers and also by experts who have been suitably trained, in compliance with the regulations in force, upon signature of specific agreements, subject to the private law.
  2. The agreements mentioned in the above paragraph can also deal with teaching modules corresponding to specific subjects included into the official teaching course.
  3. As it regards recruitment, the legal status and the pay and retirement pension of the tenured professors and researchers, the current rules of law on the teaching body and researchers of the State Universities are applied
  4. Professors coming from a State- and non State- University are given tenure, taking into account the length of service up to that date as tenured professors at the same State- and non State- University.
  5. It is possible to appoint as contract professors, tenured professors coming from other Universities as well as qualified professors or scholars with proven and adequate scientific and technical qualifications.
  6. Teaching contracts can be conferred also to teachers or scholars who do not have Italiancitizenship.
  7. The teaching contracts fix the didactic obligations, the remuneration and the related modes of payment. The remuneration depends on the qualification and workload levels required.
  8. Tenured professors and contract professors perform teaching activities and assessment activities coordinated within the didactic structures, in order to meet the envisaged educational targets.
  9. The research activity is the primary duty of each professor – researcher of the University.
  10. The University, in order to allow for the acquisition of new knowledge, which is the basis of university teaching, supplies every professor and researcher with the tools needed to carry out base and applied research work.

Article 16

Provisional and Final Rules

  1. During the first stage of enforcement of the present Statute, and for a period no longer than 36 months, the duties of the Board of Directors, the Faculty Councils and the Academic Senate are performed by an Organising Technical Committee, composed of the President of UNINETTUNO S.r.l., acting also as Rector, and by no more than six members appointed by the Board of Directors of UNINETTUNO S.r.l. itself; at least four of them have to be university professors.
  2. The Organising Technical Committee takes the decisions needed to make the University working and to appoint the ordinary bodies, within 60 days since its taking office.
  3. The Committee mentioned in para. 1 will cease its office when the ordinary bodies provided for by the present Statute willtake over.
  4. Should the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO be forced to cease its activities for whatever reason, or be deprived of its autonomy or be terminated, every asset of its own will be transferred to the Board of Directors of UNINETTUNO S.r.l.

Article 17


  1. The present Statute comes into force on the date of its approval by the Ministry of Education, University and Research, in compliance with the Ministerial Decree of 17th April 2003 published in the Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 98 of 29th April 2003.
  2. The present Statute is published in the Gazzetta Ufficiale della Repubblica Italiana.

12-5-2005 Ordinary Supplement to GAZZETTA UFFICIALE General series - n. 109



Distance didactics general structures

Art. 1 - Functions of the telematic didactical structures
Art. 2 - Establishment and deactivation of the didactical structures
Art. 3 - Didactical Structures Rules
Art. 4 - Criteria, requirements, characteristics and organization of the telematic didactical structures
Art. 5 - Teaching staff and criteria for its recruitment
Art. 6 - Non teaching staff and criteria for its recruitment
Art. 7 - The Charter of Services
Art. 8 - The contract with the Student
Art. 9 - Certification of the didactical material
Art. 10 - Protection of privacy
Art. 11 - Flexibility of usability


Didactical activity

Art. 12 - Scheduling and coordination of didactics
Art. 13 - Delivery modes and schedule of the lessons
Art. 14 - Schedule of the evaluation tests
Art. 15 - Teaching courses
Art. 16 - Courses of scientific specialization, lifelong higher education, vocational re-training
Art. 17 - Mutual teachings
Art. 18 - Programs of study
Art. 19 - Enrolment in the courses
Art. 20 - Educational offer
Art. 21 - Transfers
Art. 22 - Recognition of the university educational credits
Art. 23 -Commissions for the evaluation of the results, of the qualification, and Commissions of the tests for the achievement of the academic title
Art. 24 - Evaluation of the results and university educational credits - Modalities for assessing the results
Art. 25 - Final tests for the achievement of the academic titles
Art. 26 - Conferring the academic titles
Art. 27 - Integrative Didactical Services
Art. 28 - University Orientation Service
Art. 29 - Tutoring


Scientific and technological research activity

Art. 30 - Subject of research
Art. 31 - Research grants


Common rules

Art. 32 - People responsible for the academic activities.
Art. 33 - Evaluation of the activities.
Art. 34 - Forms of publicity of the resolutions and of the proceedings.
Art. 35 - Joint Committee for Didactics.


Final rules

Art. 36 - Start-up of the courses of study
Art. 37 - Modifications of the university rules.
Art. 38 - Degree courses established
Art. 39 - List of the faculties


Distance didactics general structures

Art. 1 - Functions of the telematic didactical structures
Art. 2 - Establishment and deactivation of the didactical structures
Art. 3 - Didactical Structures Rules
Art. 4 - Criteria, requirements, characteristics and organization of the telematic didactical structures
Art. 5 - Teaching staff and criteria for its recruitment
Art. 6 - Non teaching staff and criteria for its recruitment
Art. 7 - The Charter of Services
Art. 8 - The contract with the Student
Art. 9 - Certification of the didactical material
Art. 10 - Protection of privacy
Art. 11 - Flexibility of usability

Distance didactics general structures

Art. 1 - Functions of the telematic didactical structures

  1. Didactical structures are: faculties, that is the grouping of similar degree courses including degree courses, special degree courses, specialization courses, scientific specialization courses, lifelong and lifelong and recurring higher education, as well as IFTS (Higher Technical Education and Training) and Master courses
  2. The Faculties are the structures for the coordination of the didactic and scientific activity; by a yearly programming deliberation, they give the teachers, the researchers and the tutors of the different disciplines the various educational tasks related to each distance teaching courses delivered, to the integrative activities, that is integrative - distance or face-to-face - courses chosen by the student, a well as orientation and tutoring activities.

Art. 2 - Establishment and deactivation of the didactical structures

  1. The establishment of the distance study courses is in compliance with the current didactical regulations, according to the Ministerial Decree n. 270 of 22 october 2004, and the ministerial decrees in force, the classes of courses of study ex art. 4, para 2, in the same Ministerial Decree.
  2. The start-up is proposed by the Faculty to the Academic Senate, which expresses its opinion, and submits the proposed courses to the Board of Directors - including also the opinion of the Evaluation Team. Having considered the availability in relation to the economic, administrative, technological and logistical aspects, and considering the business plan, the Board of Directors has the task of approving them.
  3. The faculties submit to the Academic Senate a proposal of Didactic Rules and Regulations, where the cultural and professional profiles are defined, also through the consultation of the Local Bodies, of organizations that represent locally the world of production, of services and of professions. In the proposal, besides of the rules and regulations, also the needed and the available resources, the available spaces, the usable TLC Information and Communication Technologies, the possible extra-university contributions, and all the other relevant data useful to the evaluation of the proposal are listed.
  4. In order to guarantee the full use of teaching and non teaching staff in the didactical structures as indicated in art. 12, para. 3, of the Law 19 November 1990 n. 341, the Academic Senate establishes the cases in which the bodies competent to the start-up of the didactical structures will take care of their termination, depending on the number of the students enrolled in the courses delivered by those structures in the previous three-year period; and also the need for granting training in disciplines of special interest. In compliance with art. 9, para 2 of the D.M. 270/04, the Senate establishes also the procedures to grant to the students enrolled the achievement of their studies and the getting of the corresponding academic title; after having taken into account the opinion of the Faculties, the Senate also establishes the use of the teaching staff, including the researchers and the various disciplines tutors working in those structures.
  5. Once a course of studies is established, and also at its termination, the University establishes the Educational Credits already acquired that will be considered valid for the rest of the studies being carried on at the same "International telematic University Uninettuno ", in particular at the teachers' training degree course, or at other universities.

Art. 3 - Didactical Structures Rules

  1. The Academic Senate decides the Didactic Rules of each course of study at the majority of its members according to the Didactical Regulations and the modalities ex 12 of DM 270/04 and following modifications.
  2. The Didactic Rules of each course establish everything pertaining to the course itself according to the rules enforced, and in particular:
    1. The list of the teachers, with the indication of the scientific fields of reference, their contents and the eventual development of the modules, and other educational activities;
    2. The specific educational objectives, the educational credits, the disciplines to be considered preliminary to the others, and every other educational activity;
    3. The knowledge needed for a successful attendance of the courses, the modality of its evaluation and the possible integration according to the provisions ex art.6, para 1 of D.M. 270/04;
    4. The curricula offered to the students, in the full respect of the structure of their courses of study, and - where needed - the modality of submission of the individual plan of study;
    5. The typology of the distance didactic forms of the evaluation of the results and the other evaluations of the students' progress;
    6. The provisions about the possible obligations of attendance through network;
    7. The ways of design, production and delivery of multimedia didactical support materials and online educational services;
    8. The final evaluation test of the course of study;
    9. The content of the supplementary certificate to the diploma;
    10. The criteria for the recognition of the educational credits acquired in other courses of study or universities, even foreign ones;
    11. Typologies and modalities of distance tutoring.
  1. For the first application of the provisions ex para 1, art. 3, about the courses of study, the University takes the measures listed in para 2, art.13, D.M. 270/04.

Art. 4 - Criteria, requirements, characteristics and organization of the telematic didactical structures

  1. The definition of criteria and requirements is fundamental and necessary to the activation of the telematic didactical structures in order to satisfy the educational needs of the users, so that - together with the educational success - the achievement of the final goal and results, that is the acquisition and the certification of the skills and the educational credit, and the achievement of the title of study within the lapse of time established by the course of study can be granted to them.
  2. The Technological platform offers to students, tutors, teachers, administrators, the maximum flexibility and completeness in the management of each activity needed to the delivery of distance courses of study, from the moment of the start up of a course and the storage of the didactical contents, to that of the real delivery of the course, of the students' activity monitoring, to that of the administrative proceeding for enrolment and the request of documents. The system offers not only a choice of organized didactical contents (Learning Content System and Learning Object), and also a series of services aimed at assuring interactivity and participation to the process of teaching and learning.
  3. The system allows a very high level of flexibility and customization of the different courses of study, for all the levels of users (student, teacher, tutor), and it has as its aim the creation of en environment of collaborative and "social" learning thanks to the tools of communication and the implemented system of management of groups of students.
  4. The educational activities and the related didactical supporting materials , their usability and the technological structures of the platform are synthesized as follows:
    1. Content Aggregation System
      This is the system of meta-dating, aggregation and packaging of the courses which will be delivered. Based on international standard SCORM 1.2 specifications, and designed with graphic interfaces which allow their use to not highly computer-literate users, the system makes it possible to list, meta-date, manage, group and indexing the different Learning Objects according to paths established by the didactical committees, independently from the kind and format of these Objects (text, images, MS Office documents, Adobe PDF documents, animations, audio or video materials, etc). Besides of allowing the creation of "didactical units" made up of several Learning Objects, and as a consequence also of entire courses made up of several didactical units, the use of (XML) descriptive languages and of (SCORM) shared dictionaries makes possible to re-use the didactical units, and also separate Learning Objects at a minimum level of granularity, both inside the platform itself (re-usability) and on third platforms designed according to the international standards (interoperability).

    2. Learning Content Management System
      This is the module aimed at the delivery of the courses according to the rules (data model) centered on separate lessons and separate courses in the phase of packaging and authoring which also allows the management and the control of the didactical-educational activity on the single students, on the study planning, on the didactic schedules, by teachers and tutors.
      This module offers the student the possibility of tailoring his/her study: on one side, this offers flexibility and a continuous customization according to the choices of each single student; on the other side, it shows an adaptive capacity as far as the real timing, modalities, styles of usability of the delivered material by any single student are concerned.
      Thanks to the tracebility of the activities of each single student and of the classes for students that will be organized, Tutors and Teachers will be able to follow and update their didactical curriculum, to control the timing of access to the platform and to the separate materials, managing evaluation and self-evaluation in itinere of the progress achieved, and having at their disposal analysis report of the real participation to the group activities programmed.

    3. Web Publishing System
      This module is aimed at "translating" the inputs coming from LCMS so that they can be used through the web. A great attention has been paid to matters of usability: the generated code is validated according to the W3C standard, while contents and representation of the same are managed separately through style formats optimized according to the tool used (personal computer, web TV, mobile phone, printed formats). More advanced multimedia contents are published in various versions, in order to reach the possibly greatest basin of users.
      The accessibility to the platform for disadvantaged categories of users is granted through the implementation of W3C (WCAG, WAI guidelines) specifications on the delivery of web services for disabled people, and in compliance with the guidelines and the recommendations of the European Union and the national provisions.

    4. Communication Tools
      For the creation of a social context on the web, and to stimulate students towards modalities of collaborative learning, a great attention has been given to the systems of communication offered. The organization of Chat (also audio and video) and Forum allows both a free exchange student/student in dedicated environments, and the creation of thematic rooms that can be managed by tutors and teachers, through systems of moderation, and automatic tools for the quantitative analysis of the interactions of each single student in the various environments. Tutors and teachers are also given the possibility of recording evaluations on the quality of the interactions of each single student and of classes of students, and not only their quantity. Further tools made available are a personal system of Weblog, and a system of web instant messaging among the online users.

    5. Virtual Class
      The virtual class is realized through systems of video-communication through videoconference links, and video-chats. The virtual class allows the sharing of applications, shared whiteboard, didactical interaction Tutor/Teacher, supply of tests, in itinere evaluation of the learning process. With the activation of the online Agenda, Tutors and Teachers can plan meeting of support, integrative seminars, synchronic sessions of verification, all the online activities are recorded on web so that they can be made available to all the students and can enrich the available Learning Object heritage.

    6. Ways of tutoring
      Through the systems of communication implemented, the environment "Virtual class" and the administration of the Online Agenda, the Tutor / Teacher has the possibility of following up the students showing periodically the contents to be studied more in depth to respect the expiry dates shown at the beginning of the course; of proposing and evaluating online papers /tests/ exams both synchronic and asynchronic scheduled in the agenda.
      Apart from following the student in his/her educational path, Tutors and Teachers are given the possibility of creating and managing groups of students, in order to allow a work with "classes". The system manages the "class" giving an online calendar-agenda taking note of dates and works to be done, of a final working area and exchange files to manage group projects, chats, forums and video-chats of the different classes.

    7. Online administrative activity
      This module allows the student to enrol fully online, even paying the enrolment fees, in full security due to the adoption of the security protocols for online transactions and the "coding" of the personal data. The system allows to store, download and print files on the academic career of each single student, make requests to the secretariat, enrol into an examination, record, evaluate and approve customized variations to the study programmes.

    8. Technological solutions
      The platform is organized upon a computer-based network devoted each to a single specific service, according to an architecture that promotes the redundancy of servers to prevent any possible failure of the system. Other services, such as the storage of didactical material (Learning Object Repository), the supply of information through the web, the supply of video on request, the management of economical transfers and of confidential data are managed on different hardware. A system of management of the band fully scalable grants immediate answers, canceling the risks of failure on confidential operations, and adapting itself to the tremendous amount of requests arriving to the server at the same time.

Art. 5 - Teaching staff and criteria for its recruitment

  1. The recruitment of the permanent teaching and researching staff takes place through the Academic Senate on the ground of a triennial programming approved by the Governing Board, and is regulated in compliance with the Law 3 July 1998, n.210 and its following integrations and modifications.
  2. The relationships with the teaching and researching staff is regulated according to the ministerial decree n. 242 of 21st May 1998 and its following integrations and modifications.
  3. The identification of the modalities and the criteria of selection of this staff, as well as the analysis of the needs for specific human resources are a competence of the Academic Senate and are approved by the Governing Body.

Art. 6 - Not teaching staff and criteria for its recruitment

  1. The recruitment of the non teaching staff, endowed with adequate requirements and technical and professional skills, is regulated in compliance with the current regulations in the field and with the Collective Bargaining of reference.

Art. 7 - The Charter of the Services

  1. The Charter of the Services represents the main tool which rules the relationship with the users. It contains and clearly and unambiguously explains the criteria and requirements ex letter a), para 1, art. 4 of the Ministerial Decree of 17 April 2003 and subsequent regulations. Besides of this, the Charter includes the indications adopted in the Rules ex Ministerial Decree 22 October 2004, n. 270 and in these Didactic Rules.

Art. 8 - The Contract with the Student

  1. The enrolment to the courses of study of the "International Telematic University UNINETTUNO " is linked to the drawing up of a specific contract with the student, in compliance with and with the effects of letter b) para 1, art. 4, of the Ministerial decree of 17 April 2003 and subsequent regulations. The contract has as its object the educational offer and the duties and rights included in the Charter of Services.

Art. 9 - Certification of the didactical material

  1. According to and in compliance with the letter c) of para 1, art. 4, of the Ministerial Decree of 17 April 2003 and subsequent regulations, the Academic Senate evaluates yearly the efficacy and the efficiency of the didactical material and of the tools used to grant the distance learning of the Student, also managed autonomously, wherever the student is.

Art. 10 - Protection of privacy

  1. According to the letter d) of para 1, art. 4, of the Ministerial Decree of 17th April 2003 and subsequent regulations, the "International Telematic University UNINETTUNO " grants the protection of the personal data also in compliance with the D.Leg. of 30 June 2003, n. 196 and possible subsequent modifications.

Art. 11 - Flexibility of usability

  1. According to and in compliance with the letter d) of para 1, art. 4, of the Ministerial Decree of 17 April 2003 and subsequent regulations, the "International Telematic University UNINETTUNO " allows the maximum flexibility of usability of the courses through the implementation of the activities related to the present Didactic Rules.
  2. The Students are granted, consequently to the evaluation of their progress, the maximum of the educational credit indicated for each academic year in the rules and didactic regulations, as well as the possibility of extending it to a subsequent and non limited period of time.


Didactical activity

Art. 12 - Scheduling and coordination of didactics
Art. 13 - Delivery modes and schedule of the lessons
Art. 14 - Schedule of the evaluation tests
Art. 15 - Teaching courses
Art. 16 - Courses of scientific specialization, lifelong higher education, vocational re-training
Art. 17 - Mutual teachings
Art. 18 - Programs of study
Art. 19 - Enrolment in the courses
Art. 20 - Educational offer
Art. 21 - Transfers
Art. 22 - Recognition of the university educational credits
Art. 23 -Commissions for the evaluation of the results, of the qualification, and Commissions of the tests for the achievement of the academic title
Art. 24 - Evaluation of the results and university educational credits - Modalities for assessing the results
Art. 25 - Final tests for the achievement of the academic titles
Art. 26 - Conferring the academic titles
Art. 27 - Integrative Didactical Services
Art. 28 - University Orientation Service
Art. 29 - Tutoring

Didactical activity

Art. 12 - Scheduling and coordination of didactics

  1. Faculties, in pursuing their institutional objectives, schedule and coordinate the didactic activities and the multimedia didactical supports usable at distance in order to:
    1. Grant the student the quality of didactics, an updated cultural education and a professional training adequate to the needs of the society and the labour world;
    2. Favour the achievement of the titles of study within the timing schedule foreseen in the Regulations, the Charter of Services and the Contract signed by the students when enrolling;
    3. Assure the sustainability by the Student of the total charge of the programmed activity scheduled for each didactic period and its related rhythms of work;
    4. Eliminate the particular difficulties met by the students during the first period of their university studies;
    5. Favour the cognitive development using mainly modalities of open and self-study apt to the professional training, also continuous and permanent, of the users, and especially of the users/workers and of differently able users.
  2. In order to adequately support the students who have failed to complete their course within the prescribed time, and those who particularly need activities integrating the distance ones provided, the Councils of Faculty organise didactical activities reserved to them, for all legal purposes ex art. 14, paras 1-3, of the Law 2 December 1991 n. 390, through intensive or integrative courses. These courses are held by teachers, researchers or tutors of the discipline interested.

Art. 13 - Delivery mode and schedule of the lessons

  1. The Schedule of the lessons is proposed by the Faculties, following the indications in art. 12 of the present Rules. The publication of the Schedule and its possible subsequent modifications are made known through the Internet site and/or through telematic communication (via e- mail, sms, other ways).
  2. The supply of lessons of each course will be delivered in two different ways:
    1. The programme schedule of the TV satellite channels RAI SAT 1 and RAI SAT 2, broadcast also through the Internet portal through the open-sky platform whose schedule is publicized each time on the Internet site of the "International Telematic University UNINETTUNO ";
    2. The virtual class on the web, whose schedule is determined according to the online requests by the users, further to authorisation to access by the teacher involved in the specific teaching.

Art. 14 - Schedule of the evaluation tests

  1. Within one month after the beginning of the lessons, the faculties make public on the Internet site the schedule of the progress evaluation tests of the entire year, and face-to-face monthly exam sessions are also scheduled.
  2. Each single teacher and tutor in charge of a discipline can schedule intermediate tests with synchronic and a-synchronic modalities, and coherently with the scheduled date for the final test which will take place face to face.

The schedule of the test for the achievement of the academic title or any other final test is determined by the Faculty.

Art. 15 - Teaching courses

  1. Faculties establish the duration of the courses of study in paras 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, art. 3 DM 270/04 as far as the number of university education credits assigned to them.
  2. Where this is foreseen by the concerned Didactic Regulations, teaching can be articulated into didactic modules thought as fully organized sections of courses of teaching articulated or integrated, or whose contents are common to various disciplines.
  3. The modalities for conferring temporary appointments for study courses are established by the Faculties in compliance with the current regulations, after having consulted the didactic and the coordination structures, safeguarding the rights of the teaching and researching staff.
  4. The programme of each course, usually including the summary of the subjects and - indicatively - of the hours devoted to the treatment of each single subject, is prepared by the teacher or, in the case of those courses divided into modules, in a coordinated way by the respective teachers.

Art. 16 - Course of scientific specialization, lifelong higher education, vocational re-training *

The International Telematic University can establish courses of specialization, permanent and lifelong higher education and master courses, independently from their denomination, also in collaboration with other public or private institutions or with other Italian or foreign universities, in compliance with para 9, art. 3 DM 270 of 2004.
The possession of the title of a degree allows the access to first-level master courses, while the specialist degree allows the access to second-level master courses.
In order to be admitted to the final tests of the courses of study, students must have obtained at least 60 education credits, further to those required for the achievement of the first or second-level degree.

Art. 17 - Mutual teachings

  1. The Faculties establish the criteria according to which the mutual use of teaching courses or modules from among the various courses of study is possible.

Art. 18 - Programmes of study

  1. The Faculties establish the curricula offered to the student, in compliance with the structure of the courses of study implemented, in coherence with the objectives and the educational activities qualifying the classes, according to art. 10 of DM 270/04.
  2. The modalities of presentation of the individual and customized programmes of study, when needed, intensive courses or integrative courses, after the favourable advise of the Council of Faculty and in proportion to the available economic needs, must be decided by each single teacher of the discipline involved, in collaboration with the tutor of the same discipline and the didactic manager.

Art. 19 - Enrolment in the courses

  1. Enrolment in the first and the following years usually takes place between the 1st August and the 30th December of each year, or also with a different deadline according to binding rules of the State or to the Didactic Rules of the single course of study
  2. The enrolment at the same time in more than one course of study implying the achievement of an academic title is not allowed.
  3. The student that has been declared having forfeited his rights is allowed to enrol again in whatever course of degree or teachers' degree. The recognition of the credits obtained during the previous university career is given by the Faculties, after having verified that they are not obsolete.
  4. The admission to the courses of study and, during the subsequent years, the chronological order to be followed for evaluating the progress, are ruled by the Didactic Regulations in the full respect of the State regulations.

Art. 20 - Educational offer

  1. By the 30th May of each year the "International Telematic University UNINETTUNO " makes known the educational offer of the new academic year. The Internet Site is the main tool for communicating and disseminating the courses offered to the students.

Art. 21 - Transfers

  1. The Student can ask the Faculty the direct transfer from a course of study to another within the courses started up by the "International Telematic University UNINETTUNO " in the same class, or in the group of similar classes. In the case of a transfer to a different class, the request must be addressed to the Rector.
  2. The request of transfer from other Universities is addressed to the Rector within the deadline for the enrolment.
  3. The Faculty is in charge of starting the procedure for the student, also in order to recognize his/her certifications and skills. The preliminary proceedings are proposed to the Faculty involved by the student for the validation and the acceptance of the transfer.
  4. The request of transfer to other universities can be addressed to the rector by the 30th September of each year for the following Academic Year. The answer to the request is given to the applicant within 30 days from the submission of the application.

Art. 22 - Recognition of the University Educational Credits (UEC)

  1. The Academic Senate, considering para 7, art 5 of DM 270/04, establishes the criteria for the recognition of the University Educational Credit entering or going out of the "International Telematic University UNINETTUNO ", the ways of participation of the "International Telematic University UNINETTUNO " into post-secondary school institutions where it is invited to concur to the recognition of the credit in object. In the purposes of and in compliance with para 7, art. 5 of DM 270/04, the Senate establishes the criteria for the recognition of the UEC (the University Educational Credit) for the specific and professional skills of the student-workers.
  2. The recognition of the University Educational Credit, and of the studies carried on abroad and their related credits are of the competence of the Council of Faculty, which makes use of the Didactic - Scientific Commission to process incoming and outgoing dossiers. In case the recognition is required in the context of a program which has adopted a system of transfer of the Credits (ECTS), the recognition takes into account the credits assigned for the courses attended abroad.
  3. The students enrolled to the "International Telematic University UNINETTUNO " can carry on part of their studies at universities or other equivalent institutions at the university level of countries of the European Union and also not belonging to the Union, on the ground of a agreement previously signed by the Parties in the full respect of the laws in force.

Art. 23 - Commission for the evaluation of the results, of the qualification, and Commissions of the tests for the achievement of the academic title

  1. The Commission for the evaluation of the learning progress, proposed by the teacher in charge for a specific course, chaired by himself, is made up of another member chosen from among the teachers of the same class or group of similar classes (Professor, researcher, or contract professor) and of the Tutor of the discipline. The commission is appointed by the Faculty.
  2. For serious and proved reasons, in the absence of the teacher in charge of the teaching, the Council of Class can appoint temporarily a substitute of the President of the Commission, usually chosen from among the teachers of similar disciplines.
  3. In the assessment of his progress, if the student has achieved a mark sufficient to pass the test but that he/she does not consider it satisfying, he/she can ask through an application to the Faculty to be admitted to pass the test again, substituting the mark with the better one obtained. This right can be exercised no more than two times during the university career of the student.

Art. 24 - Evaluation of the results and university educational credits. Modalities for assessing the results.

  1. The Didactic Rules of each course of study identify forms and proceedings for the evaluation of the progress in learning and the assignment of the University Education Credits to the students.
  2. The tests for the evaluation of the progress in learning can be preceded by spoken or written tests, related to homogeneous sections of the program, which must take place so that they do not overlap with the normal development of the didactic activities. These intermediate tests can be delivered and carried out at distance. Failures in these partial tests do not prevent the admission to the final test of evaluation of the learning progress that must take place exclusively face to face.
  3. The evaluation of the progress in learning is expressed with a maximum of 30/30; the minimum mark to pass a test is 18/30; the bestowal of the "honours" requires the mark of 30/30 and is decided by the Commission with unanimous vote.
  4. At the end of the test of evaluation, the result is recorded electronically and undersigned with digital signature, certified according to the requirements of the law, by all the members of the commission on the personal electronic record book of the student who, habilitating the access to the Commission to his own record book, as a consequence accepts automatically the evaluation and the related quantity of University Educational Credit.
  5. The evaluations of the progress in the learning if not concluded, or that have been considered not satisfying by the student, or with a non positive result, do not imply the delivery of a mark, but they are registered in the records with the note "the student has given up", or "rejected"; the latter, results in the university career of the student.

Art. 25 - Final tests for the achievement of the academic titles

  1. The study courses end with a final face-to-face test, whose nature and modes are established by the Academic Senate, within each didactic path and in conformity with the level and the legal duration of each course and with courses that are uniform as it regards study course and class specifications.
  2. The preparation work for the final test is made at distance and is supervised by a professor who is interested in the subject and in cooperation with the tutor in charge of that discipline.
  3. As it regards graduation, the professor mentioned in the paragraph 2 above, takes on the task of supervisor; in this case the supervisor can be aided by a co-supervisor, during the entire preparation phase. For the purpose of the discussion of graduation thesis, the Academic Senate, beside a supervisor and co-supervisor, appoints one or more examiners who have not taken part in the preparation of the work.
  4. The faculty has to see that the responsibility of the final tests be fairly shared among professors and each student be preferably assigned the work in the discipline proposed or, if possible, requested by him.
  5. At the end of the discussion the Commission decides behind closed doors the final grade, which is based upon the assessment of the following elements, listed in order of importance: work submitted, discussion and student's curriculum. The final grade is assigned according to the parameters established by the faculty.
  6. Grades are expressed in one hundredth and ten for the final test. The graduation test is considered passed with at least a six-tenths grade. In case of top grade, the Commission can assign the honours; and when the test reaches excellency and originality levels, it can be conceded the dignity of getting into the print.

Art. 26 - Conferring the academic titles

  1. The academic titles can be conferred by the Rector, considering the deeds of the student's university carrier.
  2. Agreements with other Universities, both Italian or foreign ones, can regulate the conferring of the academic titles in conformity with the laws in force.
  3. The diploma certifying the graduation is integrated by an additional certificate that includes the main information related to the student's university carrier, for all legal purposes provided for by art. 11, para. 8, of D.M. 270/04.

Art. 27 - Integrative didactical services

  1. The "International Telematic University UNINETTUNO ", also in cooperation with other Bodies and public and private parties, sees to the delivery of the following services:
    1. Guidance at university and vocational level;
    2. Preparation and dissemination of information related to the university study paths, on service delivery and on the benefits for the students, also through the use of computer-based and telematic tools.
  2. Faculties, through their on deliberations, approved by the Board of Directors, by previous and compulsory agreement by the Academic Senate, and in compliance with laws in force, can establish:
    1. Courses to prepare for the state exams to qualify for practicing specific professions and for competitive state exams;
    2. Continuing education courses and educational and cultural activities addressed to the citizens;
    3. Specialization and re-training courses..

Art. 28 - University orientation service

  1. A specific University service coordinates the orientation activities addressed to the students enrolled in the high school institutions. An agreement with the relevant school authorities provides for and regulates the cooperation with those institutions in orienting their students.
  2. The University orientation service cooperates with the local boards and professional associations, also thanks to special agreements, to facilitate the students' access to the job market at the end of their study courses.

Art. 29 - Tutoring

  1. The faculty establishes every year the tutoring activities and communicates it by the Charter of Services and by its educational offer. Activities are carried out by a Tutor, expert in the discipline, one for every 30 students
  2. The functioning of the tutoring service is regulated also in differentiated way according to the changing needs of the users and according to the difficulty-level of each teaching course that they tutor.
  3. The tutoring service can be delivered, unless provided by the rules of the didactic structures, according the following forms:
    1. Tutoring in a specific discipline, compulsorily activated, to facilitate the learning process (acquisition of method, more in depth studies of complex issues, inter-disciplinary links, and the like), to put in evidence problems encountered by the students and urge their solutions; it also supplies support in choosing the optional subjects and in choosing the theme of the graduation thesis or of the final work;
    2. Logistical-organisational tutoring and to help in the use of the web to facilitate the attendance on the part of the students of the virtual environments devoted to them;
    3. Support tutoring for the delivery of individual teaching courses, in particular those of the first year or those that are propaedeutical to other ones, whose complexity level requires constant attendance in the virtual class-room and in forums that are moderated in such a way as to stimulate collaborative and autonomous learning.


Scientific and technological research activity

Art. 30 - Subject of research
Art. 31 - Research grants

Scientific and technological research activity

Art. 30 - Subject of research

  1. For each study faculty that is activated, the Dean can ask the same faculty to start research activities, which should be strictly connected and consistent with its own class or rather grouping similar classes.
  2. The starting-up of the research is dependent on the availability of financial, human and instrumental resources needed to attain the objectives and the results of the research itself. To start these activities it is necessary to submit an operational plan and a detailed business plan.
  3. The internationalisation of scientific and technological research and the recourse to distance networks to carry it on have a priority compared with the national and face-to-face ones.

Art. 31 - Research grants

  1. The "International Telematic University Uninettuno" can award grants for collaborations in research activities in conformity with para. 6 of art. 51 of the law of 27 December 1997 n. 449 and with the decree of MURST of 11 February 1998, that have to be taken into consideration as it regards what is not explicitly regulated by the present Rules.
    These grants are aimed at allowing qualified youths to participate in research activities that were pre-planned and already financed, deriving also from agreements with third parties, at "Uninettuno's " facilities. These grants do not assure rights to be included among the tenured staff of "Uninettuno ".
  2. The introduction of the grants mentioned in the present Rules can be totally paid by funds that are apart from those included into the balance sheet of the Telematic University, even deriving from contracts with public or private boards, as well as be paid by single research programmes.
    In the framework of the present Rules, every year the Academic Senate, upon approval of the project, fixes the modes and criteria for the introduction of the research grants.
  3. The research grant can last one year at least and can be allocated for multiples of one year by direct appointment of the task.
    The amount of the grants is decided by the Board of Directors.
    Research doctors or graduates since two years at least (university degree as established by the previous didactic regulations or specialisation university degree as established by the new rules), having also an scientific and professional curriculum suited to carry on the research activity, can be awarded grants. Also foreign graduates whose university degree is acknowledged as equivalent for selection on the part of the Academic Senate can be awarded research grants.
  4. The duties of those who are entitled to the grants mentioned in the present Rules are established by the project agreement signed by the person who is entitled to the grant and by the Coordinator, according to the rules in force.
    The person who is entitled to the grant has to take out a personal accident insurance policy and submit a copy of it to the Administration. The International Telematic University provides for an insurance cover for third party liability.
  5. In conformity with article 51, para. 6 of the law 449/97 it is not allowed to cumulate a research grant and a study grant, awarded at any title, except those awarded by national or foreign institutions needed to integrate with travels abroad the research activity of the people who receive these grants. The tasks of the people entitled to research grants, regulated by a personal contract, are performed under the supervision of a Coordinator of the class or of the project, who shall check the activity carried on.
  6. The Academic Senate can appoint as persons responsible for didactic modules people who were awarded with research grants who already have a research appointment or have already carried on proved activities in support of course didactics for at least three academic years during their work in the scientific-disciplinary sectors related to the research project or similar, upon approval by the involved people and by the people responsible for the research programmes and in compliance with the laws in force.
  7. The person entitled to a research grant that wants to withdraw from the contract has to notify it to the Coordinator by at least 30 days notice: in this case the person entitled to the grant shall be paid until the date of withdrawal; on the contrary, the Administration will retain the corresponding share for want of notice.
  8. The contract shall be terminated in case of serious and significance non performance as provided by the rules of the civil law on the part of the person entitled to the grant, after notice of the Coordinator or of the person responsible for the research.


Common rules

Art. 32 - People responsible for the academic activities.
Art. 33 - Evaluation of the activities.
Art. 34 - Forms of publicity of the resolutions and of the proceedings.
Art. 35 - Joint Committee for Didactics.

Common rules

Art. 32 - People responsible for the academic activities.

  1. The Dean is the person responsible for coordinating study courses implemented within a faculty and for executing the deliberations of the Council of the Faculty; the professor in charge of a teaching subject is responsible for it; the presidents of the commissions are responsible for the exams in a discipline and for the graduation exams; the Dean himself is responsible for the execution of a research programme.

Art. 33 - Evaluation of the activities.

  1. An Evaluation Team sees to the assessment of the didactic activities carried out with regard to the appropriateness of the tools employed to the aims pursued.
  2. This same Evaluation Team sees to the collection and preparation of an assessment of the didactic activities performed by the students.

Art. 34 - Forms of publicity of the resolutions and of the proceedings.

  1. The deliberations of the collective bodies, the rules, the deeds that start up proceedings are published on the notice board of the International Telematic University and on the notice board of the structures they refer to and are also available on the website of "UNINETTUNO ".

Art. 35 - Joint Committee for Didactics

  1. In compliance with art. 12 para. 3 of D.M. 270/04 a Joint Committee for Didactics is established having the task of assessing the consistency of the allocated credits to the different educational activities and to the study course specific objectives.


Final rules

Art. 36 - Start-up of the courses of study
Art. 37 - Modifications of the university rules.
Art. 38 - Degree courses established
Art. 39 - List of the faculties

Final rules

Art. 36 - Start-up of the courses of study

  1. The start-up of the individual study courses is done with regard to the potentials of the labour market, to the financial allocations available to the International Telematic University and in compliance and for the purposes of the DM 270/04 and of the DM 17 April 2003, to the following execution ministerial decrees, to the present regulations and to rights of the student stated in the Charter of the Services.

Art. 37 - Modifications of the university rules

  1. Any modification to the Didactic Rules are decided by the faculty upon the Dean's initiative or upon proposal by the didactic and coordination structures and submitted for approval to the MIUR - Ministry of Education, University and Research, in compliance with the rules in force.

Art. 38 - Degree courses established

  1. The '" International Telematic University UNINETTUNO " includes the following University Degree Courses belonging to the classes shown beside:
    nr. Degree Course Denomination Class
    1. Civil Engineering 08
    2. Computer Science Engineering 09
    3. Management Engineering 10
    4. Legal Expert in Development and Internationalisation of Enterprises 02
    5. Cultural Assets Operator 13
    6. Economics and business management 17
    7. Psycho-social Disciplines 34
  2. The didactic rules of the study courses mentioned in paragraph 1 are shown in annex A to the present University Didactic Rules, of which they are an integral part.

Art. 39 - List of the faculties

  1. The '"International Telematic University UNINETTUNO " includes the following faculties to which the study courses mentioned in art. 38 refer to:
    1. Law
    2. Economic
    3. Engineering
    4. Psychology
    5. Literature.

12-5-2005 Ordinary Supplement to GAZZETTA UFFICIALE General series - n. 109


The International Telematic University “Uninettuno”

Course name:


Class 08:

University degrees in civil and environmental engineering

Delivery mode

Distance mode

Specific educational objectives

Civil Engineering deals namely with civil constructions and infrastructures. The first ones include buildings, civil constructions involved in industrial buildings and big works such as bridges, viaducts, galleries, dams etc The latter ones deal with road network infrastructures (roads, railways, airports and modal exchange junctions) and hydraulic infrastructures (aqueducts, lifting equipment and water distribution networks, sewerage systems, coastal works, hydraulic defence works). Furthermore, Civil Engineering faces specific interdisciplinary issues aimed at solving some problems related to planning, operation and functioning of transportation networks present on the territory.

The Civil Engineer is responsible for both the design and the activities related to the realisation and management- during the operational phase- of works and infrastructures, in order to assure their functionality and safety. The training of university graduate in Civil Engineering is based upon an adequate knowledge of the contents of basic sciences and engineering (theoretical and applied), paying particular attention to those having an impact from a civil viewpoint: Science and Techniques of Constructions, Geotechnics, Hydraulics and Hydraulic Works, Road Networks Infrastructures and Transportations. Other basic engineering disciplines (Technical Architecture, Design, Electrotechnics, Technical Physics and Topography), besides vocational disciplines (economic and legal-evaluative) complete his training. The choice of a fully fledged didactic offer, during a three-year period, largely involving all those sectors that traditionally characterise the Civil Engineer, guarantees the training of a professional profile able to identify, analyse and solve typical problems occurring in Civil Engineering, thus guaranteeing at the same time the possibility of further in-depth studies and specialisation programs needed to face complex and system-based problems.

At the end of the three-year period, the University Degree course in Civil Engineering assures the obtainment of a University Degree following a unified education path.
This path allows to access, with no educational debits, all Specialising University Degrees in Civil Engineering. It offers a training based on the scientific rigueur of the physical-mathematic disciplines, on the theoretical principles of the engineering sciences and the methodological approach of the applied engineering disciplines characterising the entire civil sector. The title is undifferentiated.
The strong presence of disciplines applicable to the design phase, besides the acquisition of specific professional knowledge, allow the engineer to obtain skills which are directly “usable” in the labour market, both in the self-employment sector and in the recruitment of technical profiles (executives or managerial staff) in the production structures or in the Public Administration. In fact, the envisaged design applications offer the opportunity to assimilate concepts and develop relational and decision-making skills. The type of envisaged training, widely aimed at guaranteeing the graduate an adequate mastery of the general scientific methods and contents is well-suited for continuing the study cycle to get a specialising university degree, with no training debits; in any case it supplies the skills for an easy and effective learning through individual study or other training activities (university masters, continuing education, etc.). The study course can also be formulated according to further curricula, that, within the envisaged training objectives, allow for a diversified professional training. The University Degree in Civil Engineering aims at training professional profiles able to:

  • Translate the basic theoretical principles of the different disciplines in professional applications related to their competence field, using methods, techniques and tools that are suited to the specific situations;
  • Face and solve, in common situations, problems linked to design, realisation and management of civil works and infrastructures;
  • Know and being able to use criteria linked to safety, operativeness, socio-economic and environmental impact in the design and execution of the civil works and infrastructures related to the competence field;
  • Identify the basic problems of the transportation system as it regards the mutual interaction between supply and demand;
  • Manage projects and programmes for the operation, maintenance, updating, restructuring and divestment of buildings;
  • Make experiments, analyse and interpret the related data;
  • Be aware of one’s own professional responsibilities and ethics;
  • Have a knowledge of the business environment and the company culture as it regards its economic, managerial and organisational aspects;
  • Get decision-making and relational skills;
  • Have basic tools to continuously update one’s own knowledge.

Skills required for the admission (art.6 D.M. 509/99)

In order to be admitted to the University Degrees in Engineering, in general, the students should possess the following qualifications:

  • Basic scientific knowledge;
  • Oral comprehension skills;
  • Aptitude towards a methodological approach.

The importance of the last two points is to be particularly highlighted (oral comprehension skills, aptitude to a method-based approach), also compared to the basic scientific skills. The lack of acquisition of some basic scientific notions during the school period- due to their absence in the study programmes- is not an obstacle for the admission to the engineering study courses, particularly when the oral comprehension skills and aptitudes towards a methodological approach are good; whereas the fact that they had already been acquired does not eliminate the need for a more detailed and careful study.
However, the essential qualification for the student’ admission to the University Degree Courses in Engineering is the basic knowledge of specific subjects, namely maths. The assessment of the students’ qualifications, to be admitted to the University Degree courses, should have the lack or presence of this qualification as discriminating factor.

Specifications of the final exam

The final exam will consist in the preparation of a short paper dealing with one of the disciplines followed by the student or a project consistent with the candidate’s professional activity that will be assessed by a commission composed of 5 professors.

Employment sectors for graduates

By tradition, the Civil Engineer has always distinguished himself for being a freelancer. Similarly, the new profile of the graduate in Civil Engineering will be able to keep this characteristic, according to his skill-levels, besides the possibility of finding opportunities as technical employee.
In this regard, the following sectors and activities can be envisaged:

  • Design sector, that is activities related to the design of civil works and their adjustment to the changing scenarios of the demand (design, calculation, accountancy, etc.);
  • Realisation sector, where professional profiles such as Building Site Engineer, Works Engineer and Inspector of public and private works work
  • Management sector, with particular attention to the functions of the Coordinator for the execution of the works, according to what is envisaged by the regulations in force as it regards safety in building sites;
  • Working as employee of public and private companies active in the sector of construction, maintenance and management of industrial plants, works and civil infrastructures;
  • Performing activities that are preliminary to planning and scheduling of transportation networks, organisation of services and carrying out of interventions in the re-engineering of vehicle traffic;
  • Working as employee of professional firms and companies dealing with the design of works, plants and infrastructures;
  • Working as employee of State Agencies and Administrations being responsible for designing, planning, managing and controlling urban and territorial systems;
  • Working as employee of Companies, Boards, Consortia and Agency that manage and control systems of works and services in the civil sector;
  • Working as employee (executives or managerial staff) of big companies, being operative in sectors typical of Civil Engineering
Basic activities Total UEC Scientific - disciplinary sectors
Mathematics, computer science and statistics 22 ING-INF/05: INFORMATION PROCESSING SYSTEM
Total of basic activities 40
Characterising activities Total UEC Scientific - disciplinary sectors
Environmental and territory engineering 3 GEO/05: APPLIED GEOLOGY
Civil engineering 75 ICAR/01: HYDRAULICS
Total of Characterising 81
Related or integrating activities Total UEC Scientific - disciplinary sectors
Scientific, humanistic, law, economic, socio-political culture 3 IUS/14: EUROPEAN UNION LAW
Engineering disciplines 18 ING-IND/10: INDUSTRIAL TECHNICAL PHYSICS
Total of related or integrating activities 21
At the student’s choice 9
For the final exam

Others (art. 10, para. 1, letter f )

Final exam

Foreign language

Further language knowledge

Computer science and relational skills
Practice periods
Total of other training activities 38

As to enrolments scheduling, professors’ recruitment, see: Resources Programming and Five-year Economic Plan, section 4, annex a).


The International Telematic University “Uninettuno”

Course name:


Class 09:

Class of the university degree courses in information engineering

Delivery mode

Distance mode

Specific educational objectives

The computer science engineer knows the functioning of complex systems characterising both the information society and the operational and design principles and paradigms of systems for the processing of information. He can therefore assess the impact of the proposed solutions from an economic and social viewpoint.

Computer science engineer has deep methodological and practical skills. Therefore, he owns the basic knowledge tools for an ongoing updating, also through individual commitment, and can contribute to the design of innovative solutions thus assessing and solving problems that might be encountered during the implementation of information systems. In addition, he masters basic sciences (mathematics, physics, chemistry) and engineering sciences, thus being able to interact with specialists of every field of engineering as well as economic-managerial area, namely other professional profiles of the information science sector.

The Degree in Computer Science Engineering aims at supplying the following professional skills:

  • Capability to define the specifications of a project and coordinate the realisation of the applications that make use of consolidated information methodologies and tools;
  • Capability to design and develop dedicated applications, also in cooperation with other professional profiles;
  • Capability to manage and maintain information application identifying, scaling or managing architectures and plants using consolidated technologies;
  • Capacity to interact during the design, development and maintenance of decision-making support systems, also in cooperation with other professional profiles;
  • Capability to implement technological innovations, in the sector of Information Engineering, to train staff, participate in R&D groups in the information industry and contribute to basic training in the information sector.

This curriculum is based upon the belief that, in order to train a good computer science engineer, it is necessary to acquire a good basic cultural background and a good knowledge of the engineering disciplines, specific computer science knowledge and an appropriate practice activity.

A basic cultural background and a knowledge of the engineering disciplines, rather than a sophisticated specialisation in rapidly-obsolescing technologies and applications, allows to get used to the fast-changing technological evolution. Essential knowledge on engineering disciplines should mainly focus on the information, electronic, telecommunications, automatics fields that are today the “basic engineering” such as applied mechanics and thermodynamics. To acquire a suitable experience in the use of information tools, what is envisaged is the acquisition of an appropriate number of educational credits to be acquired in laboratory sessions, computer science courses and with specific project activities. In particular, to get a university degree it is necessary to attend two “project” modules in the computer science sector. Further practice work will be carried out during the apprenticeship period and while preparing for the final exam.

Skills required for the admission (art.6 D.M. 509/99)

The student who intends to successfully attend this University Degree course should have a skill-level that assures his ability to understand texts and re-formulate the relative content; the capability to make abstractions and the aptitude to a methodological approach as well as basic scientific knowledge with particular reference to the following mathematical subjects: numerical structures, arithmetic, logarithms and their proprieties, elementary algebra, equations and inequalities, Euclidean geometry, proprieties of the plane figures, Cartesian coordinates, trigonometry, successions and functions; arithmetical and geometrical progressions, proprieties of some elementary functions (powers, logarithms, exponential, trigonometric functions).

Specifications of the final exam

The final exam will consist in the preparation of a short paper dealing with one of the disciplines attended by the student or in a project consistent with the candidate’s professional activity that will be assessed by a commission composed of 5 professors..

Employment sectors for the graduates

The profession of the computer science engineering has great importance at social level and a significant economic-industrial impact. The professional opportunities for the computer science engineer are represented by companies, agencies and boards (public administration, finance, industry, commerce etc.) that supply services using systems to process information, that make use of information products in production processes or that realise products that include information components.

Some specific professional profiles are listed below, structured according to the different fields:

  • Software design: software analyst/programmer/manager;
  • Computer networks: installer/network manager/security manager;
  • Web-based systems: installer/designer/service manager;
  • Information systems: analyst/designer/system manager;
  • Design of dedicated system: designer/programmer/technician;
  • Sales/customer support: sales technician/support technician.
Basic activities Total UEC Scientific - disciplinary sectors
Mathematics, computer science and statistics 25 ING-INF/05: INFORMATION PROCESSING SYSTEM
Total of basic activities 35
Characterising activities Total UEC Scientific - disciplinary sectors
Automation Engineering 9 ING-INF/04: AUTOMATION SCIENCE
Telecommunication Engineering 10 ING-INF/03: TELECOMUNICATIONS
Electronic Engineering 10 ING-INF/01: ELECTRONICS
Computer Science Engineering 30 ING-INF/05: INFORMATION PROCESSING SYSTEMS
Total of Characterising activities 59
Related or integrating activities Total UEC Scientific - disciplinary sectors
Scientific, humanistic, law, economic, socio-political culture 4 FIS/01: EXPERIMENTAL PHYSICS
Engineering disciplines 9 ICAR/19: RESTORATION
Total of related or integrating activities 13
Related or integrating activities Total UEC Scientific - disciplinary sectors
Total of related or integrating activities 5
Area aggregated according to credits related to site Total UEC Scientific - disciplinary sectors
Ambito aggregato per crediti di sede 38 FIS/01: EXPERIMENTAL PHYSICS
Area aggregated according to credits related to site 38
At the student’s choice 10
For the final exam

Other (art. 10, para. 1, letter f )


Final exam
Foreign language
Further language knowledge
Computer science and relational skills
Practice periods
Total of other training activities 30

As it regards enrolments scheduling, professors’ recruitment, see: Resources Programming and Five-year Economic Plan, section 4, annex a).


The International Telematic University “Uninettuno”

Course name:


Class 10:

University degrees in industrial engineering

Delivery mode

Distance mode

Specific educational objectives

Management Engineering is involved in solving problems of technical, economic, management and organisational nature related to the production and use of goods and/or services using problem-solving methods and capabilities typical of engineering. In carrying out his activity, the management engineer uses quantitative tools, decision-making support systems and methodological accuracy typical of the engineering sciences aiming at getting to optimising solutions. The engineering perspective and method applied to management and organisation problems allow to get higher levels of efficiency and effectiveness of the solutions, contribute to a better understanding of the companies events, facilitate the identification and control of the main decision-making variables of the company processes, lay the foundations for a continuous enhancement of the company results on measurable parameters and, at last, allow the creation of well-structured relationships among the different company functions and companies

The training of a management engineer is based on a solid basic training on disciplines such as mathematics, physics, economics, statistics, operational research, computer science and on design skills taken from the main engineering disciplines. Among these, the disciplines related to the sectors of technologies linked to production, industrial plants and economic-management engineering play a significant role.
The management engineer should be aware of the economic contexts where companies operate and of the risks/opportunities deriving from phenomena related to competitiveness among companies. He should know about the main industrial processes in order to profitably interact with specialists in different company sectors. He should possess the capacity to interpret technological innovation processes and be aware of their role as it regards the company competitiveness positioning. Finally, he should be aware of the fact that the customer/user, making his own choices, determines the success of product/service.
The study course can be structured in further curricula that, in the framework of the above-listed training objectives, allow for a varied professional training. The educational objectives of the University Degree in Management Engineering are targeted to solve the following problems:

  • Management and control of the logistic and production processes;
  • Management of quality, security and environmental factors;
  • Evaluation of the interaction between technical and economic management of the company;
  • Management of technological innovation with a view at enhancing the company competitiveness;
  • Analysis of management variables such as cost, time and quality.

Skills required for the admission (art.6 D.M. 509/99)

In order to be admitted to the University Degrees in Engineering, in general, the students should possess the following qualifications:

  • Basic scientific knowledge;
  • Oral comprehension skills;
  • Aptitude towards a methodological approach.

The importance of the last two points is to be particularly stressed (oral comprehension skills, aptitude to a methodological approach), also as it regards basic scientific skills. The lack of acquisition of some basic scientific notions during the school period- due to their absence in the study programmes- is not an obstacle for the admission to the engineering study courses, particularly when the oral comprehension skills and aptitudes towards a methodological approach are good; whereas the fact that they had already been acquired does not eliminate the need for a more detailed and careful study.
However, the essential qualification for the student’ admission to the University Degree Courses in Engineering is the basic knowledge of specific subjects, namely maths. The assessment of the students’ qualifications, to be admitted to the University Degree courses, should have the lack or presence of this qualification as discriminating factor.

Specifications of the final exam

The final exam will consist in the preparation of a short paper dealing with one of the disciplines followed by the student or in a project consistent with the candidate’s professional activity that will be assessed by a commission composed of 5 professors.

Employment sectors for the graduates

The professional opportunities expected from the University Degree in Management Engineering are the following ones:

  • Programming and control of production and of the logistic processes;
  • Engineering of product and management of the production systems;
  • Management of quality, security and of the environmental factors;
  • Industrial accountancy, auditing and analysis of the investments;
  • Organisational planning, analysis, development and implementation of company procedures.
Basic activities Total UTC Scientific: disciplinary sectors
Mathematics, computer science and statistics 21 MAT/03: GEOMETRY
Total of basic activities 39
Characterising activities Total UTC Scientific - disciplinary sectors
Electrical Engineering 5 ING-IND/31: ELECTROTECHNICS
Mechanical Engineering 21 ING-IND/08: FLUID-BASED MACCHINES
Total of Characterising activities 92
Related or integrating activities Total UTC Scientific - disciplinary sectors
Scientific, humanistic, law, economic, socio-political Culture 13 ING-INF/05: INFORMATION PROCESSING SYSTEMS
Total of related or integrating activities 13
Other training activities Total UTC Typology
At the student’s choice 10
For the final exam 5 Final exam
Others (art. 10, para. 1, letter f ) 6 Foreign language
Further language knowledge
Computer science and relational skills
Practice periods
Total of other training activities 31

As regards enrolments scheduling, professors’ recruitment, see: Resources Programming and Five-year Economic Plan, section 4, annex a).


The International Telematic University “Uninettuno”

Course name:


Class 13:

University degrees in sciences of the cultural assets

Delivery mode

Distance mode

Specific educational objectives

The course aims at training professional profiles with a good basic knowledge, an adequate working language knowledge and a wide range of humanistic, technical and scientific competencies respectively, according to the chosen path, in the following fields: historical-artistic cultural assets, archive, book and musical, using the main computer-based tools.

Skills required for the admission (art.6 D.M. 509/99)

A good knowledge of the history of figurative arts, of the different historical-literary disciplines, proficiency in the oral and written use of the Italian language, a fairly good knowledge of the Latin language and of the technical-scientific disciplines linked to the implemented disciplines are required.
There will be no assessment test of the skills required for the admission.

Specifications of the final exam

The final exam will consist in the preparation of a short paper dealing with one of the disciplines attended by the student or in a project consistent with the candidate’s professional activity that will be assessed by a commission composed of 5 professors.

Employment sectors for the graduates

The course is aimed at training a cultural assets operator able to perform intermediate-level professional functions at public and private institutions and agencies, such as cultural assets offices, state, provincial and municipal museums, local boards, foundations, research centres and institutes, in charge of the protection, conservation and management of historical-artistic cultural assets, archive, book and musical assets, without excluding other areas, such as journalism, publishing and other forms of communications, social and educational services, tourist organisations and companies and professional organisations operating in the area of the protection of cultural assets and preservation of the environment.

Basic activities Total UEC Scientific - disciplinary sectors
Disciplines of nature and 3 ICAR/15 : LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE
Historical Disciplines 21 M-FIL/06 : HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY
Italian Literature 6 L-FIL-LET/10 : ITALIAN LITERATURE
Total of basic activities 30 As to basic training activities, a number of at least 20 credits is envisaged.
Characterising activities Total UEC Scientific - disciplinary sectors
Musical, cinematographic and theatrical assets 12 L-ART/04 : MUSEOLOGY AND ARTISTIC CRITICISM OF RESTORATION
Historical-artistic and archaeological assets 33 L-ART/01 : HISTORY OF MEDIEVAL ART
Law of cultural assets 6 IUS/10 : ADMINISTRATIVE LAW
Total of Characterising activities 81 As to the characterising activities, a number of at 45 credits is envisaged
Related or integrating activities Total UEC Scientific - disciplinary sectors
Demo-anthropologic and environmental assets 12 M-DEA/01 : ETHNO-ANTHROPOLOGICAL DISCIPLINES
Related or integrating activities 12
Related or integrating activities Total UEC Scientific - disciplinary sectors
Ancient and medieval civilisations

Technologies of the cultural assets

Related or integrating activities 12 As to related or integrating activities, a number of at least 25 credits is envisaged
At the student’s choice 9
For the final exam

Other (art. 10, para. 1, letter f )

Final exam
Foreign language
Further language knowledge
Computer science and relational skills
Practice periods
Total of other training activities 42

As to enrolments scheduling, professors’ recruitment, see: Resources Programming and Five-year Economic Plan, section 4, annex a).


The International Telematic University “Uninettuno”

Course name:


Class 17:

Class of the university degree courses in economics and business management

Delivery mode

Distance mode

Specific educational objectives

The course aims at training graduates experts in Economics and Business Management. The course training activity pursues its objectives through:
A deep osmosis with the territory and the existing private and public institutions;
Networking with universities and excellency centres at European Union level and associated countries level.

Skills required for the admission (art.6 D.M. 509/99)

The enrolment to the course is regulated in accordance with the rules for the admission to university study courses. The course lasts three years. In order to get the final title, the student has to obtain 180 credits including those linked to the compulsory knowledge of two foreign languages of the European Union, besides Italian, with the exception of special rules for the protection of linguistic minorities.

Specifications of the final exam

The final exam will consist in the preparation of a short paper dealing with one of the disciplines followed by the student or in a project consistent with the candidate’s professional activity that will be assessed by a commission composed of 5 professors.

Employment sectors for the graduates

To be specific, professional profiles having the skills needed to work in companies operating in different sectors will be trained. The following requirements are needed:
Expertise and inter-disciplinary skills focused on business functions and on the exchange of goods and services, both at the national and international level;
Expertise and specialised skills in the sector of company finance, both as it regards internal management and external finance markets.

Basic activities
Total UEC
Scientific – disciplinary sectors
Total basic activities
Characterising activities
Total UEC
Scientific - disciplinary sectors
Total of Characterising activities
Related or integrating activities
Total UEC
Scientific - disciplinary sectors
Scientific, technological, law culture
Economic disciplines
Economic-managerial disciplines


Inter-disciplinary training
Total of related or integrating activities
Other training activities
Total UEC
At the student’s choice
For the final exam

Other (art. 10, para. 1, letter f )


Final exam
Foreign language
Further linguistic knowledge
Computer science and relational skills
Practice period
Other training activities

As to enrolments scheduling, professors’ recruitment, see: Resources Programming and Five-year Economic Plan, section 4, annex a).


The International Telematic University “Uninettuno”

Course name:


Class 02:

University degrees in Sciences of the Juridical Services

Specific educational objectives

The market internationalisation process is experiencing a point of non return. This situation has an impact not only on big multinational corporations, but also on SMEs which are ever-increasingly forced to face international-level markets of goods, products and services. This requires the training of professional profiles who can lead the small and medium-sized companies present in the market, using appropriate economic analyses, but also the needed juridical-institutional skills.
The university degree course for “Legal expert in development and internationalisation of enterprises” aims at assuring a sound cultural and juridical basic training that allows students to master the methodology and tools from a juridical viewpoint. At the same time, the course aims at training professional profiles capable of operating on European and global markets, with particular reference to international rules for drawing up contracts, financial transactions, problems linked to Community and international tenders, the organisation of international consulting services. The other possible educational objective is the provision of experts able to offer legal consulting services also to foreign companies accessing the Italian market.
These graduates will be able to use their professional skills in both national and international legal consulting sectors, with special reference to development and technological innovation of the companies operating on international markets.

Skills required for the admission (art.6 D.M. 509/99)

The enrolment to the course is regulated in accordance with the rules for the admission to university study courses. The Council of this study course decides on a yearly basis whether the enrolments are to be limited or not.

Specifications of the final exam

The final exam will consist in the preparation of a short paper dealing with one of the disciplines followed by the student or in a project consistent with the candidate’s professional activity which will be assessed by a commission composed of 5 professors.

Employment sectors for the graduates

Graduates will carry out professional activities within administration departments, private/ public companies and non-profit sector, where a specific juridical training is needed, at an international level too.

First year

Private law
(IUS/01 – Private law)
(IUS/09 – Elements of national and Community public law
(IUS/10 – Administrative law
IUS/13 - International law
(IUS/20 – Philosophy of law)
SECS-S/01 – Statistics
(SECS-S/03 – Economic statistics
(SECS-P/01 – Political economics
(SECS-P/07 – Business economics
A foreign language

Second year

(IUS/04 – Commercial law) 9 UEC
(IUS/07 – Labour law) 9 UEC
(IUS/21 – Comparative public law)
(IUS/21 – Chinese law)
(IUS/21 – Islamic law)
(IUS/02 – Comparative private law) 6 UEC
(IUS/14 – European Union law) 6 UEC
(IUS/17 – Domestic and international criminal law) 6 UEC
IUS/12 - Domestic and international taxation law 4 UEC
(INF/01 – Computer Science – Juridical Computer Science 3 UEC
Language proficiency 5 UEC

Third year

IUS/13 – International organisations law 6 UEC
IUS/04 – International exchanges law 6 UEC
IUS/04 – Competition law 3 UEC
IUS/04 – Financial transaction law 3 UEC
IUS/04 – Economics law 6 UEC
IUS/15 – Civil procedural law 6 UEC
IUS/15 - Bankruptcy law 3 UEC
IUS/04 – Commercial criminal law 4 UEC
IUS/13 - Private, procedural and international exchanges law 9 UEC
A discipline at the student’s choice 9 UEC
Final exam 5 UEC
Total Credits 180 UEC

As to enrolments scheduling, professors’ recruitment, see: Resources Programming and Five-year Economic Plan, section 4, annex a).


The International Telematic University “Uninettuno”

Course name:


Class 34:

University degrees in psychological sciences and techniques

Delivery mode

Distance mode

Specific educational objectives

Graduates in the university degree course in Psycho-social Disciplines will have acquired:

  • Basic knowledge that characterise the different sectors of the psychological disciplines;
  • Appropriate knowledge on methods and procedures of scientific investigations, with particular reference to personal meeting, interview, observation and psychological tests
  • Operational and applicative skills in planning and checking psycho-social interventions;
  • Expertise and ability to operate as professionals in the context of services targeted to individuals, groups, organisations and communities in order to analyses behaviours, personalities, social interaction processes, opinions and attitudes, psychological fitness to carry on special tasks and specific conditions and for the purpose of school-professional guidance;
  • Adequate skills and tools for communication and information management purposes;
  • Working knowledge of written and oral English, besides Italian, in professional contexts and for the exchange of general information.

For these purposes, the curricula of the university degree in Psycho-social Disciplines include:

  • Activities aimed at the acquisition of theoretical foundations and appropriate operational elements of general, social and development psychology;
  • Survey methodologies; statistical and computer-based methodologies for data processing;
  • Psycho-physiological mechanisms on which the behaviour and the dynamics of the human relationships are based;
  • Courses aimed at appropriately specifying psycho-social disciplines in the framework of the natural and human sciences;
  • Among training activities in the different disciplinary sectors, a total amount of 24 credits for seminars, laboratory activities, application experiences, participation in research activities, in real and simulation situation, aimed at acquiring skills concerning experimental methodologies and the use of investigation tool in personal and social contexts;
  • Carrying out of activities that have the same value of practice periods corresponding to no more less that 10 credits;
  • Extra-curricular activities and study travels to Italian and foreign universities, also in the framework of international agreements, as it regards specific targets.

Skills required for the admission (art. 6 D.M. 509/99)

The student who intends to enroll to the university degree course in Psycho-social Disciplines should meet the basic requirement, common to all other degrees, of a good knowledge of the Italian language, that can allow him to well understand a written text and to express himself in good language, both orally and in written form. Facilitating elements that grant success in the university degree in Psycho-social Disciplines are:

(a) school-level knowledge of the English language that allows to understand sources in their original language;

(b) basic notions in mathematics (elements of algebra, geometry, trigonometry).

The assessment of these knowledge is made in orientation pre-courses that include a written auto-assessment test by which the would-be matriculates can assess their knowledge level and their aptitude to these subjects. The result of the auto-assessment test is not a selection procedure to access the degree course in Psycho-social Disciplines. For the students who intend to enroll to these course, a qualifying element is the willingness to engage themselves in a systematic way to watch lessons on-line and to participate in on-line laboratory exercises.

Specifications of the final exam

The final exam will consist in the preparation of a short paper dealing with one of the disciplines followed by the student or in a project consistent with the candidate’s professional activity that will be assessed by a commission composed of 5 professors.

Employment sectors for the graduates

Graduates in Psycho-social Disciplines:

  • Having passed the school-leaving exam, they will be able to enroll to the section of the professional register of psychologists devoted to graduates and carry on all the activities envisaged by the rules of regulated professions in psychology sector;
  • They will be able to perform professional activities in inter-personal and inter-group relations, activities linked to psychometric assessment, public relationships, training and educational activities, of social support and healthcare, paying particular attention to problems faced by youths, women, elderly people and within companies and service-sector organisations.
Basic activities Total UEC Scientific: disciplinary sectors
Foundation of psychology 32 M-PSI/01: GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY
Inter-disciplinary training 12 BIO/13: APPLIED BIOLOGY
Total of basic activities 44
Characterising activities Total UEC Scientific - disciplinary sectors
Development psychology and education 8 M-PSI/04: DEVELOPMENT PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION PSYCHOLOGY
Dynamic and clinical psychology 8 M-PSI/07: DYNAMIC PSYCHOLOGY
General and physiology psychology 20 M-PSI/02: PSYCHOBOLOGY AND FISIOLOGY PSYCHOLOGY
Social and labour psychology 32 M-PSI/05: SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY
Total of characterising activities 68
Related and integrative activities Total UEC Scientific - disciplinary sectors
Economic and sociological disciplines 8 SECS-P/07: BUSINESS ECONOMICS
Linguistic, philosophical, historical and pedagogical disciplines 4 M-PED/03: DIDACTIC AND SPECIAL PEDAGOGY
Scientific-technological and of quantitative methods 4
Biological and medical sciences
Total of related and integrating activities 20
Area aggregated according to credits related to site Total UEC Scientific - disciplinary sectors
Area aggregated according to credits related to site 4 SPS/09: SOCIOLOGY OF ECONOMIC PROCESSES AND OF LABOUR
Other training activities Total UEC Typologies
At the student’s choice 12
For the final exam

Other(art. 10, para. 1, letter f )
Final exam
Foreign language
Further language knowledge
Computer science and relational skills
Practice periods
Total of other training activities 44

As to enrolments scheduling, professors’ recruitment, see: Resources Programming and Five-year Economic Plan, section 4, annex a).