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Media releases January 2007

January     February     April     August     October     December

1/26/2007 The Italian Culture at the 39th round of the Cairo International Book Fair – Jan 23rd through Feb 4th UNINETTUNO University Among the Guests of Honor at the Most Important Book Fair in the Arab World The Rector of Uninettuno Prof. Maria Amata Garito will participate in the round table discussion on “Cultural Particularity and Information Society” Italy will be the guest of honor at the 39th edition of the Cairo International Book Fair, one of the most important publishing events on the international level for the number of publications, publishers and visitors. The honorary participation of the Italian culture, had to be represented by UNINETTUNO, the International Telematic University, the first Euro-Mediterranean distance university which transmits courses in four languages (Arabic, English, French and Italian) on the portal www.uninettunouniversity.net and on its satellite channels RAI NETTUNO Sat 1 and RAI NETTUNO Sat 2.
1/11/2007 Stipulata la convenzione tra l’Università Telematica Internazionale UNINETTUNO e la Consulta per le Persone in Difficoltà La formazione a distanza offre un’opportunità unica nel suo genere per i diversamente abili, che possono acquisire competenze e professionalità spendibili nel mondo del lavoro
1/5/2007 From the former President of the European Commission, Mr. Prodi, to the Vice-President, Mr. Frattini to Prof. Mario Monti: the EU illustrated in three languages thanks to UNINETTUNO videolessons Launch of the OPEN SKY EUROPE Project: on RAI NETTUNO SAT the lectures of the protagonists who built Europe Passing an international quiz, the university students of the MEDA area countries will have free access to the “Distance Master Course in European Culture” The OPEN SKY EUROPE Project, realised by the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO and funded by the European Commission in the framework of the EuroMed Regional Communication Programme, aimed at arising consciousness and at educating the youths of the MEDA area countries on the issues of the European Union, is starting up. By means of a master course on the European Culture, the project aims at supplying information on subjects related to the Union and to its economic, social and cultural relations with the countries of the MEDA area.The initiative, realised in cooperation with the Representation of the European Commission in Jordan, intends to enhance the knowledge of the complex historical, political and institutional setting of Europe by means of videolessons realised by the protagonists of the Union that will be broadcast in three languages: (Arabic, French and English) in all MEDA countries.Starting from Monday, the 8th January, these videolessons will be aired on RAI NETTUNO SAT 1 and RAI NETTUNO SAT 2 satellite channels and on the website: www.uninettunosrl.net/openskyeurope.

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