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The Italian Culture at the 39th round of the Cairo International Book Fair – Jan 23rd through Feb 4th UNINETTUNO University Among the Guests of Honor at the Most Important Book Fair in the Arab World The Rector of Uninettuno Prof. Maria Amata Garito will participate in the round table discussion on “Cultural Particularity and Information Society”


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Italy will be the guest of honor at the 39th edition of the Cairo International Book Fair, one of the most important publishing events on the international level for the number of publications, publishers and visitors. The honorary participation of the Italian culture, had to be represented by UNINETTUNO, the International Telematic University, the first Euro-Mediterranean distance university which transmits courses in four languages (Arabic, English, French and Italian) on the portal and on its satellite channels RAI NETTUNO Sat 1 and RAI NETTUNO Sat 2. “We are creating the most important capital, it’s that of knowledge. Thanks to university level courses and professional training courses that are produced in four languages (Arabic included) and thanks to the network of human and technological resources that we have created, European and Arab students can learn from the reciprocal cultures free of prejudices. The universities on the other hand will be able to show the world the immense cultural heritage that the Mediterranean possesses. It’s a dream come true, a project that became a system urging us to create together the new professional caliber that the global job market requires. Meanwhile this region is threatened by the winds of war we are constructing the future of the new generations,” - Professor Maria Amata Garito – Rector of the UNINETTUNO. Due to her involvement in the Mediterranean, on the 28th of January and within the events of the Cairo International Book Fair, Professor Maria Amata Garito, Rector of UNINETTUNO will be among the participants in the round table discussion titled “Cultural Particularity and Information Society” that will focus on cultural exchange and reflections on relations between the different banks of the Mediterranean. The Telematic University UNINETTUNO has already opened two technological poles for distance teaching at the headquarters of the Minister of Professional Training in Morocco, Rabat and at the University of Helwan in Egypt. The signing of these deals is yet another step ahead for the construction of dialogue between the different cultures within the basin of the Mediterranean. Only through the exchange of knowledge, human and technological resources it is possible to reconstruct the enormous historical and cultural heritage of the great civilization of the Mare Nostrum. The Cairo Book Fair is a real and proper cultural window on the various forms of expression linked to the book, over and above, it’s a space for fertile and stimulating confrontation between the Arab world and the other cultures. And the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO together with its channels RAI Nettuno Sat has won in 2006 the prestigious award “Hot Bird TV” for the section on “Culture and Education” as the best satellite channel in the Euro-Mediterranean area.