Uninettuno University Logo | Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671 - info@uninettunouniversity.net

Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Management Engineering

The Three-Year Degree Course in Management Engineering (L-9 degree class -Industrial Engineering) aims at training a graduate in engineering, who can deal with the issues related to design and management of production systems, analysis of logistics problems, modelling of production processes and interactions with other business subsystems in order to identify recommend performance and implement necessary improvements.

Moreover, the training course offered by the University is divided into two different paths. This fact gives the opportunity to organise the curricula, depending on the needs or inclinations. The first curriculum is focused on specific aspects of the production and control of production systems of any kind. The second one is focused on purely organizational and managerial aspects, directed to the areas connected with everyday life of business operations, providing skills in the methodology and a deep-rooted systematic vision in the approach to business problems.

The industrial engineer will obtain, therefore, a basic training that integrates the physico-mathematical knowledge common to all the degrees in Engineering and the basic content of the disciplines that characterise the industrial sector. Furthermore, the graduate will understand the fundamental elements of the economic and organizational analysis, and will obtain decision making skills.

On this basis core competencies on methodologies will be developed and knowledge on tools of intervention in the management of complex systems will be acquired:

  1. Ability of systemic analysis and modelling typical for an engineer;
  2. Knowledge of the most widespread production and information technologies for the design and management of production and logistics systems, and their effective application;
  3. Ability of economic and managerial analysis for the solution of problems of the organisation and operational management of production and logistics systems.

Three-Year Degree Courses

Management Engineering
Description of the Degree Course
Regulations of the Study Course (italian)
Re-exam Team