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An important academic agreement will be undersigned on October the 26th in Cairo between the first Egyptian Distance University (EELU) and the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO (UTIU) in the presence of the President of the Italian Republic, Giorgio Napolitano.


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ملفات أخرى تتصل بإعلانات الصحف

An important academic agreement will be undersigned on October the 26th in Cairo between the first Egyptian Distance University (EELU) and the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO (UTIU) in the presence of the President of the Italian Republic, Giorgio Napolitano.

According to the Rector, Garito: “For the first time, Egypt establishes an Internet-based Distance University. A cultural initiative allowing democratizing the access to knowledge and that opens the doors to dialogue among the new generations of Europe and of the Arab World”.

Cairo, the 26th October 2008 – Studying in one’s own country and earning a study title recognized in Egypt, in Italy and in Europe: a dream that comes true for many students thanks to an agreement signed in the presence of Giorgio Napolitano, President of the Italian Republic, on October the 26th in Cairo, at the Egyptian Museum, with Mr. Hany Helal, Egyptian Minister for the University and Scientific Research, by Prof. Maria Amata Garito, UTIU’s Rector and by Prof. Yasser Hisham Dakroury, Rector of the EELU.

For the first time Egypt establishes an Internet-based distance university and democratizes the access to knowledge. A political and historical shift of global relevance seeing as partner of this new model of university, that will allow the access to education to thousands of Arab and European young people, an Italian university: the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO.

The two online Universities will jointly realize university degrees, masters, high-level vocational training, and retraining courses. They will share curricula, study programs, teaching methods. The project will involve the best lecturers of the Italian, Egyptian, European and Arab World Universities. The UTIU and the EELU will deliver study titles recognized in Italy, in Europe, in Egypt and in the Arab World. In order to start the activities they will utilize the UTIU’s portal, on, the first portal worldwide where teaching and learning are carried on in four languages: Italian, French, English and Arabic.

This important result was gained thanks to the work that the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO has been doing in the latest 5 years with over 30 traditional Universities based on the following Euro-Mediterranean countries: Algeria, France, Egypt, Jordan, Greece, Lebanon, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia and Turkey. These Universities host the UTIU’s Technological Poles, and, in particular, with the Helwan University, Cairo and the “Don Bosco” Institute, they implemented UTIU’s courses for 150 students.  “Thanks to this agreement the two Universities will jointly realize a technological network as well as a network of people and expertise sharing their own knowledge. Thanks to the use of the new technologies, the physical mobility of professors and students will go side by side with the mobility of ideas; they will overcome borders, culture and knowledge will acquire an international dimension; they will train the new generations for the skills demanded by the global labor market and they will help understanding and respecting different cultures”. (Maria Amata Garito)