من أجل الدراسة ، اختر موضوعك ، ستجد هناك بيئات التعلم المختلفة (دروس الفيديو ، والشرائح ، والكتب والمقالات ، والوسائط المتعددة ، والببليوغرافيا ، وتصوير الويب ، والمختبرات ، والتمارين التفاعلية ، والمنتديات ، والفصول التفاعلية) والمحاضرين / المدرسين الذين سيتابعون بشكل تفاعلي عملية التعلم الخاصة بك.
أختر المقرر التعليمي الذي يهمك وادخل إلى الصفحة المخصصة للـ
الأستاذ المسؤول عن المادة وإلى الصفحة المخصصة
Course specific objectives
The University Degree in “Communication, Media and Advertising”, comprised in the Communication Sciences class degrees, basically aims at preparing young graduates giving them a solid training in the field of communication through reference media channels, based on the use of multimedia and interaction technologies. The study of cinema, theatre, music, television and advertising in the historical, aesthetic, legal, linguistic and semiotic contexts of reference, will be managed within a perspective based on the current socio-economic setting and linked to the scenario of the new media that appeared with the introduction the digital revolution. In addition, the knowledge of the structure of the mass-media languages, together with high-level skills in the English language and intermediate-level skills in the Spanish language, will allow the young graduate to develop a careful analysis of international and community markets.
The rate of study work devoted to individual study or for other individual training activities is 68% of the whole study work-load, excepting the case where highly-experimental level contents or practical activities are envisaged.
Expected learning results, expressed through the European Descriptors of Study Title (DM 16/03/2007, art. 3, paragraph 7)
Knowledge and understanding
Knowledge of communication theories, technologies, tools and languages, beside an understanding of the dynamics and trends inherent to it through a series of both basic (in particular in the SPS/08 and M-FIL/05 sectors) and specialised study courses (beside the mentioned sectors, also in the L-ART/06, M-PSI/01, M-STO/04 sectors) that enable to transfer this knowledge thanks to lectures, study of advanced level texts, additional readings and contributions of professionals dealing with the reference markets.
Applying knowledge and understanding
Capacity to apply the acquired knowledge in a clear and accurate way using tools learnt in an active way in order to have a deep insight and manage the questions that concerning the world of communication, mass media, entertainment and advertising taking into account the relative technological development and the sociological structuring. The attainment of this objective is ensured by the implementation, in disciplinary sectors such as SECS-P/08, INF/01, ICAR/13 and L-ART/06, of laboratory activities allowing the students to actively experiment the use and application of knowledge that they will be acquiring.
>Making judgements
Capacity to carry on analyses and critical exegesis of the issues related to contemporary communication, media, mass media technologies and languages, with a particular capacity to set these issues into the specific context of the dynamics of social, technological and cultural changes. The attainment of this objective is ensured both by stimulating autonomous capacities of analysis and critical interpretation (in particular with the subjects related to the INF/01, SPS/07, L-ART/05, L-ART/07 sectors), and by carrying on practice work in the subjects that develop the specific knowledge of this Degree Course (in particular with the subjects related to the SPS/08, SPS/09, L-ART/06 sectors).
Communication skills
Communication skills will be developed by attending laboratories and by carrying on practice work that, besides developing applicative skills and freedom of judgement, will allow the student to learn how to transfer to others, also to non specialists, their own knowledge and ideas. These abilities will be granted not only for the Italian language, but also for the English and Spanish languages for all the issues related to this study course, with specific reference to communication, advertising, mass media and to multimedia forms of communication and writing (most specifically the laboratory related to the ICAR/13 sector).
Learning skills
In addition to the objectives set by the subjects comprised in the study programme, by means of appropriate modes of delivering lectures and assessments, the development of autonomous learning capacities represents the specific objective of the final exam and at the same time it is a way to check the knowledge acquired by the student and the first opportunity to utilize it in producing new knowledge.
Knowledge required for entry (DM 270/04, art 6, paragraphs 1 e 2)
In order to access the Degree Course in Communication, Media and Advertising, the student is required to possess the skills acquired with high school diploma. Though no specific knowledge is required, the student has to demonstrate suitable both written and oral expression skills and working knowledge of the English language and basic computer skills. This knowledge will be assessed through a compulsory test to check his actual training and the operational modes of this test will be specified in the didactic rules of the study course where are also included the additional training requirements (and the relative remedial classes arrangements) if the results obtained in the test show any gaps or difficulties.
Characteristics of the final test
At the end of their educational path the students have to prepare a research paper that allows them to test what they learnt during their studies, demonstrating that they can use an appropriate methodology. The paper consists in a written text including between minimum 10.000 and maximum 20.000 words, possibly integrated with pictures, films and other multimedia appendixes. While preparing the paper the student is supported by an official professor who helps him in identifying the issue to be dealt, to outline it and in the relative bibliographical and documents research. The paper, once approved by the professor, is assessed by a commission.
Employment and professional prospects for the graduates (Decrees on Classes, Art. 3, paragraph 7)
The graduates in Communication, Media and Advertising will be able to find a job in the broadcasting companies of the communication sector (publishing industry and journalism, television, new media, radio, cinema, theatre etc.) and also in the design-production organisation sector (responsible for new products, genres and formats etc.). More specifically, they will be able to find a job in the production of texts in the field of advertising, information and the cinema-television productions, in the organisation of cultural activities and events and they will have job opportunities in institutes that carry on opinion polls and scientific research for public boards involved in the organisation of cultural events and activities.
This course supplies a training to get a job as:
- Market analysts
- Text editors for the advertising industry
- Cameramen and audio-video production technicians
- Technicians for the organisation of radio-television, cinema and theatre production.