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A new UNINETTUNO Technological Pole inaugurated in Todi


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A New UNINETTUNO Technological Pole Inaugurated in Todi


From now on UNINETTUNO is present also in Umbria: a new Technological Pole, thanks to an agreement signed with the Istituto Tecnico Agrario “Ciuffelli” was inaugurated.

The Pole, an educational-cultural reference point for the whole Region, will actually be an educational structure providing the students with all the technologies needed to follow distance teaching courses, participate in training activities and, above all, take the exams. It will play a coordination and supervision function for all the educational and research activities in the territory of its competence and will offer a physical place for interaction and meeting among students, teachers and tutors.

"The opening of new UNINETTUNO center in Todi – the Rector, Maria Amata Garito, says – is a very important event and perfectly meets the challenge of our University, that is to bring the University closer to the job market and give an answer to the employment needs of this land and of a society that is more and more dependent on technological innovation. Actually, UNINETTUNO courses are continuously updated and respondent to the training needs of the digital society: therefore, we are happy to make them available to the young students of Umbria and to working students in order to supply them a quality training that can, on one side, facilitate their access to a job market that is more and more globalized and interconnected and, on the other side, allow for a suitable vocational retraining”.

The inauguration event, that took place at the Theatre of the Cittadella Agraria, beside UNINETTUNO’s Rector, saw the participation of: the President of the Region, Catiuscia Marini; of the Mayor of Todi, Antonino Ruggiano, of the school managers, Marcello Rinaldi and Sergio Guarente and Professor Bruna Grasselli.