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Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0687940271

Technological Pole of Tunis




  • Not available

The Technological Pole of Tunis takes origin from a cooperation between Confservizi Veneto, that already manages the Technological Pole of Padua, and the Tunisian-Italian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CTICI), member of Assocamerestero.

This cooperation, established before the creation of UNINETTUNO Pole, allowed to open a new technological pole in a prestigious site, which, since 1984 represents an ideal platform for Italian and Tunisian businesses wishing to export, import and enlarge their contacts networks in one or in both countries.

The opening of Tunis’ Pole received the approval of our ambassador in Tunis, H. E. Raimondo De Cardona.

The Pole is supplied with all the equipments needed to allow UNINETTUNO students to study and take their exams face-to-face and by videoconferencing, connected to the UNINETTUNO central office in Rome.

Contact details in Tunisia:
Chambre Tuniso-Italienne de Commerce et d’Industrie
Secretary General: Ms Olfa Lazhari
Administration Secretary: Ms Denise Salustri
8 Rue Ibn Khaldoun, EL Menzah 4 – Tunis

Tél: (00216) 71239123
Fax: (00216) 71235428

Tel: (00216) 71239123    
Fax: (00216) 71235428


Contact details in Italy:
Confservizi Veneto – Polo tecnologico di Padova
Tel. 0498071777
Email: uninettuno@confserviziveneto.net