Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671


Mustafa Sayim
Mustafa Sayim
Qualification and Scientific-Disciplinary Sector: Tutor Uninettuno
Didactics - course list:
Academic Year
Specializing Master Path Course ECTS
Global MBA Global MBA (with London School of Business and Finance) Accounting and Managerial Finance (en) 10
Master in Finance and Investments Master in Finance and Investments (with London School of Business and Finance) Business and Financial Analysis (en) 10
Master in Finance and Investments Master in Finance and Investments (with London School of Business and Finance) Corporate Finance (en) 10
Master in Finance and Investments Master in Finance and Investments (with London School of Business and Finance) Quantitative Finance and Financial Markets (en) 10
Publications from IRIS