Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671


January     February     March     April     June     July     September


On the 10th October UNINETTUNO’s Rector, Maria Amata Garito, and the President of the Center for American Studies (CSA), Dr. Giovanni De Gennaro,undersigned their first cooperation agreement: UNINETTUNO’s students and lecturers will be able to freely use the historical facilities of the [...]


During a press conference that was held on Thursday October the 10th, at the Conference Hall of Stadio Olimpico in Rome, there was an official presentation of the activities linked to the project “FOOTBALL-EDUCATION-CULTURE” in the framework of the initiative “Post [...]


UNINETTUNO hosts international students, coming from Greece, India, Azerbaijan and Pakistan, enrolled in the Master’s course in Fashion Retail and Luxury Management in Rome. For the first time, the University offers this team of talented young people a truly full immersion into the culture, ar [...]


On July the 31st 2019, at the Conference Hall of the Stadio Olimpico in Rome, the first project o train not only the body through sport activities, but also the minds of a number of athletes of football world, was presented.


Starting from July the 27th, on the digital satellite TV channel,, UNINETTUNO will air the exclusive most touching passages of the reading of an unpublished work by Roberto Saviano, entitled, "Chi è neutrale è complice (Who is neutral is an accomplice)" [...]


Il Prof. Piergiorgio Picozza, professor of physics and supervisor of research projects in the aerospace sector at the Engineering Faculty of the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO, is the first Italian scientist who was awarded with the prestigious 2019 O'Ceallaigh Medal (*) by the Co [...]


It was the evening of 20th July 1969, at 8:17 pm UTC, when the American astronauts, Neil Amstrong, Buzz Aldrin, protagonists of the legendary NASA’s Apollo 11 mission, for the first time, walked on the Moon’s surface. In order to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of this important step in s [...]


UNINETTUNO launches a new Master’s Course to train young athletes, coaches, trainers, sport leaders and experts in applied sport practice, that will be running starting from October 2019 and that will be open to all students across the world.


Al via l'Erasmus Week 2019!Dal 13 al 18 maggio #UNINETTUNO diventa un vero e proprio laboratorio di internazionalizzazione confermando il suo carattere davvero globale e il suo grande impulso all'innovazione.

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