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UNINETTUNO hosts some Italian and foreign eminent journalists to take stock on the future of the media.
Today special guest in UNINETTUNO classrooms: the Nobel Peace Laureate and creator of microcredit.
From now on UNINETTUNO is present also in Umbria: a new Technological Pole, thanks to an agreement signed with the Istituto Tecnico Agrario “Ciuffelli”.
Understanding practical applications of Digital Governance: this is the focus of the Conference taking place on Tuesday, the 20th March 2018, at 10 am at UNINETTUNO Multimedia Hall.
Lecturers and experts of the sector will speak about the new “General Data Protection Regulation”: What changes? Which will be the effects? What should the citizens expect?
UNINETTUNO’s Digital Talks at the start: on Friday, the 9th February, at 3 pm, we start with a meeting devoted to the communication strategies in the Web during elections campaigns.
On February the 2nd, at 8:51 am (Italian time) from the Chinese base of the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, in the Gobi Desert (Inner Mongolia), CSES - China Seismic-Electromagnetic Satellite, outcome of a cooperation between the Space Agency was launched
UNINETTUNO’s presence in South-East Asia gets stronger: an important agreement was undersigned between the online University and the Huè College of Economics in Vietnam.