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Digital Talk: "Digital Innovation in the Public Administration”


UNINETTUNO’s "Digital Talks" are going on; they are meant to reflect about the impact of Digital Innovation on society: on March the 20th, at 10 am, a conference on “Digital Innovation in the Public Administration”.  
Among the participants to this one-day event, which will be introduced by the Rector, prof. Maria Amata Garito and moderated by prof. Fulvio Sarzana, there will be the Municipal Councilor to Mobility of Rome Capital, Linda Meleo, the Municipal Councilor to “Roma Semplice (Simple Rome)”, Flavia Marzano, the Commander of the Privacy Special Team of the Guardia di Finanza, Marco Menegazzo, the President of Anorc, Andrea Lisi, and representatives of the Court of Auditors, of the Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato and of AGID.