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"The Holy See between the War and Postwar Period. The Renewal of Communication”: kick-off of the Seminar of the Communication Sciences Faculty of UNINETTUNO


The initiatives aimed at a more-in-depth study and debate on academic and general culture issues, organized the Communication Sciences Faculty of UNINETTUNO keep going on: on Tuesday, February the 11th, the Study Seminar on "The Holy See between the War and Postwar Period. The Renewal of Communication”, taking place at 6:30 pm at the University’s Multimedia Hall (Piazza Grazioli 17 – Rome).

How has been changing, in the years between the War and the After-War period, the Vatican’s way of “communicating”? And, what were the reasons that contributed to establish a new focus – and an unprecedented opening – of the Holy See towards new the audiovisual languages, thus enhancing and promoting the link with the media and cinema?
In their presentations, the speakers will answer these and other questions: Prof. Dario Edoardo Viganò, Dean of the Communication Sciences Faculty (UNINETTUNO); Prof. Rosanna Scatamacchia, Professor of Modern History and Contemporary History (UNINETTUNO); Prof. Gianluca Della Maggiore, Professor of Visual Storytelling (UNINETTUNO).

In addition, this seminar is at crossroads of a double anniversary. On one hand, the recent 60th Anniversary of the birth of the Vatican Film Library (November 2019), of which Dario Edoardo Vigano’s volume, Il Cinema dei Papi. Documenti inediti della Filmoteca Vaticana (Marietto Editore),  represents a first result; and, on the other hand, the upcoming and expected opening of the Vatican Archives for Pius XII’s Papacy (March 2020) that, as we can easily expect, will usher an era of intensive research work and, on the medium-long run, of new publications on this issue.