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In order to celebrate the Holocaust Memorial Day, 20 years after its establishment and recall the Shoah, UNINETTUNO presents a 24-hour television marathon, aired on the 27th January 2020 starting from 8:00 am on Uninettunouniversity.tv (Channels 812 of Sky and 701 of Tivùsat) and streamed live on www.uninettunouniversity.net. This television project is named “States-General of Memory” and was realized by UNINETTUNO in cooperation with the ECAD Cultural Association and the “Adriano Olivetti” Foundation.

January the 27th is the date on which the Italian Parliament established the Holocaust Memorial Day in Italy, with the Law n.° 211 of the 20th July 2000, a celebration that was later recognized all over the world with the UN 60/7 resolution. This is the reason why the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO decided to devote to these issues a marathon of twenty-four uninterrupted hours of video lectures, in-depth studies, music and movies, interspersed with contents of lectures drawn from UNINETTUNO’s repository allowing for a more in-depth study of contents on the history of the Shoah as well for a more accurate enquiry on the various forms of memory and on its various modes as regards man and his environment. The program scheduling is enriched by the movie “I semi del girasole (The seeds of the sunflower)” by Vittorio Pavoncello and by the participation of the actors, Giuseppe Alagna, Beatrice Palme and Alessandro Haber. The program scheduling is enriched by the movie “I semi del girasole (The seeds of the sunflower)” by Vittorio Pavoncello and by the participation of the actors, Giuseppe Alagna, Beatrice Palme and Alessandro Haber.

This initiative was presented during a press conference on Friday the 24th January, at 11:00 am in UNINETTUNO’s premises, in Rome (Corso Vittorio Emanuele II n.° 39 – 5th floor). The event saw the participation of the Rector, Prof. Maria Amata Garito, as well as of its creators: Furio Colombo, author and proposer of the Law n.° 211, the director, Vittorio Pavoncello, and by the protagonists of the video lectures: lecturers, historians, geographers, journalists, writers, directors, musicians and critics such as Ester Capuzzo, Aldo Cazzullo, Furio Colombo, Antonio Debenedetti, Salvatore Di Russo, Giorgio Fabretti, Anna Foa, Elena Mortara di Veroli, Alberto Olivetti, Vittorio Pavoncello, Alessandro Portelli, Franco Salvatori , Vittorio Sgarbi and Carla Tatò.
“The Holocaust Memorial Day is also a day on which sciences became free again and were no longer rigidly disciplined by ideologies. Memory is recommended to us as a key for future, but, first of all, it is the authentication password making it possible any access to the future.” (Furio Colombo).