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“WE #withoutboundaries Together for a Better World” as best practice among Euro-Mediterranean Media


On the occasion of the COPEAM (Permanent Conference of the Mediterranean Audiovisual Operators) 26th Annual Conference, having as main theme “Changing Societies: Communicating Diversities”, that was held in Split, Croatia, from the 4th to the 6th April, gathering radio-television broadcasters, media and institutional representatives of the Euro-Mediterranean Region, the TV program “NOI #senzaconfini Insieme per un Mondo Migliore (We #withoutboundaries Together for a Better World)”, was selected among the best practices of the year, adopted  by international media to be able to “tell about our changing society and communicating diversities”.
Born from an idea of UNINETTUNO’s Rector, Maria Amata Garito, being aired every Monday, on UninettunoUniversity.Tv (812 Sky and 710 Tivusat channels), will be aired also by other European national media due to the positive examples that you can see from the stories of hope, courage of the protagonists: refugees and second-generation immigrants who put to good use their talents in Italy by becoming successful men and women.