Uninettuno University Logo | Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671 - info@uninettunouniversity.net

Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

UNINETTUNO and Quality: The Top University in Italy and in the World

ANVUR Assessment

The International Telematic University UNINETTUNO is among the best Italian universities according to the evaluations of the National Agency for the Evaluation of the University System and Research (ANVUR): UNINETTUNO is the first among the online universities, the only one to have received a B-full satisfactory rating, and as a score it ranks 23rd among the 90 universities (state and non-state, traditional and online) evaluated. The score of 6.70 brings UNINETTUNO within a few decimal places of the first ones, and ahead of historical universities such as University of Turin, "Federico II" of Naples and many others. At this link, the full list of evaluations:


Excellence Quality Label

The International Telematic University UNINETTUNO is the only university in Italy to have received the E-xcellence quality label for the best psycho-pedagogical-didactic model adopted in the e-learning platform. The quality mark was awarded to UNINETTUNO by all European distance universities belonging to EADTU - European Association of Distance Teaching Universities and was announced on January 25, 2010.
(Source: https://www.uninettunouniversity.net/en/quality-assurance-in-e-learning.aspx)

UNINETTUNO in the Top 10 European Online Universities

The International Telematic University Uninettuno was listed among the top ten European Online Universities and is the only Italian University in the ranking compiled by Studyportal.com, the most influential European portal of Distance Higher Education, a reference point for the recruiting and orientation of international students: https://www.distancelearningportal.com/articles/1308/10-great-european-distance-learning-universities.html. In the ranking, which features Trinity College Dublin and the University of Oxford among the best universities in Europe, UNINETTUNO ranks ninth, followed by the Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium). The ranking is based on the cross reference of qualitative data from Topuniversities.com's QS World University Ranking 2020, among the most influential university rankings globally, and overall data on online study programs offered by European universities collected by Studyportal.
(Source: https://www.uninettunouniversity.net/en/notizia.aspx?ID=48)

UNINETTUNO in the Global Consortium for Quality in Online Distance Higher Edcation

During the opening ceremony of the Innovation Arabia 12 - 2019 Conference, organized in Dubai by the HBMSU - Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart University, the first International Consortium aimed at creating specific benchmarks capable of scientifically establishing the quality criteria on which structures and systems for the evaluation of Internet-based distance universities globally should refer to. The new Consortium was established with the support of the Ministry of Education and the UAE Universities Quality Assessment Agency, founding members include: the Association of Arab Universities (AArU), the European Association of Distance Education Universities (EADTU), the Asian Association of Open Universities, the Arab Network for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ANQAHE), the Commonwealth of Learning (CoL), the Open Polytechnic of New Zealand, the Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart University in Dubai, and the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO, represented in Dubai by Rector Prof. Maria Amata Garito, who also represented EADTU.
Among the objectives of the New Consortium is to support National Evaluation Agencies in identifying common global benchmarks for evaluating the quality of online universities. The International Telematic University UNINETTUNO was called among the founding members both because of its online university model recognized by the international scientific community and because it has been carrying out research activities in the field of e-learning quality for many years and has already contributed to defining, thanks to the European research projects Excellence and Excellence+ coordinated by EADTU, the evaluation criteria for the distance and blended model at the European level.
(Source: https://www.uninettunouniversity.net/en/comunicatostampa.aspx?ID=142)

The Research Quality Assessment (VQR) rewards UNINETTUNO

Thanks to the commitment and results in the international scientific research of its professors and researchers, the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO obtained excellent evaluations in the VQR - Research Quality Assessment for the period 2015-2019, carried out by ANVUR (National Agency for the Evaluation of the University System and Research) and presented last April 13 to the Universities. In particular, the results obtained in Area 10 - Sciences of Antiquity, Philological-Literary and Historical-Artistic Sciences and Area 11a - Historical, Philosophical and Pedagogical Sciences were top results in Italy and illustrated at the conference for the presentation of the VQR 2015-2019 report held on July 2022. The full results of the VQR evaluation can be found on the ANVUR website in the dedicated section on: https://www.anvur.it/attivita/vqr/vqr-2015-2019/rapporto-finale-anvur-e-rapporti-di-area/

International E-Learning Award (IELA) 2014

The International Telematic University UNINETTUNO received the 2014 International E-Learning Award (Academic Division) as Runner-up for the best e-learning portal worldwide on December 5, 2014 in Dubai. The 2014 International E-Learning Award, was awarded by IELA - International E-Learning Association, with headquarters in New York and members from all continents and all sectors (industry, business, governments, universities). The aim of IELA is to promote research, knowledge and development in the e-learning sector in schools, universities and workplaces. The scientific committee that evaluated the nominations for the 2014 International E-Learning Award, chaired by David Guralnick, a professor at Columbia University's Teachers College is founder of Kaleidoskope Learning- Professor David Guralnick said he was impressed by the quantity and variety of the 2014 nominations and the quality of UNINETTUNO's e-learning so the jury unanimously wanted to give the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO the International E-learning.
(Source: https://www.uninettunouniversity.net/en/riconoscimenti-internazionali.aspx)