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The Head Francesco Paravati will receive a special mention in the framework of the national journalistic award “Press Agent of the Year” in Matera (Italy) UNINETTUNO International Telematic University Press Office Awarded for Promoting Dialogue in the Mediterranean Area


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UNINETTUNO International Telematic University press office will be among the prizewinners of the 2007 edition of the “National Award for Journalism” devoted to the professionals of the press offices. The special mention ''Press Agent of the Year'' for the ‘Culture, Art, Entertainment and Sport” sector will be given for “for his deep commitment in promoting dialogue among the Countries of the Mediterranean Area through television and the new technologies”. These are the grounds that led the jury of the National Award for Journalism, including university teachers, journalists and personalities of the Communication sector, to give to Francesco Paravati, Head of the UNINETTUNO International Telematic University press office, a special mention during the award-giving ceremony that will take place on Friday, the 12th and Saturday, the 13th October in Matera (Italy).The award-giving ceremony will be held in Palazzo Lanfranchi in the presence of Lorenzo Del Boca, president of the National Council of the Association of Journalists, of the political authorities of the Basilicata Region and of the members of the jury including university teachers and journalists working in press agencies, television networks and national newspapers.The International Telematic University UNINETTUNO has focused the activities of its press office in promoting cooperation among the Mediterranean universities as a tool for reviving dialogue and mutual knowledge among the new generations of Mare Nostrum. Many are the initiatives that were carried out: from the organisation of the “Open Sky” Master’s course in European Studies addressed to the students of the Euromediterranean area, who, after having challenged each other in a television quiz filmed in Jordan on the history of the European Union, won the free enrolment to the Master’s course, to the cooperation agreements with Helwan University in Egypt and the Virtual University of Tunis allowing the delivery of study titles, that are acknowledged in Europe, to Egyptian and Tunisian students. Television, and more specifically the satellite channel Rai Nettuno Sat 1, free to air on sky channel 822, gave the chance to the many cultural initiatives, and not only to UNINETTUNO lectures in Italian, English, French and Arabic to get into the homes and universities of the Arab Countries, proposing a positive example of openness and cultural enrichment. To get more detailed information on the UNINETTUNO International Telematic Univesity press office activities it is possible to consult the Communication Area of the Internet site, the first didactic portal in four languages: Italian, English, French and Arabic.