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Internet of Things: European Challenges, Opportunities and Solutions. UNINETTUNO presents the results of the “Internet of Things for European Small and Medium Enterprises – IoT4SMEs” Project


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The International Telematic University UNINETTUNO launched the results of the IoT4SMEs – Internet of Things for European Small and Medium Enterprises - European Project. If, by now, the Internet of Things marks a decisive shift for the development of the digital society, how can the new IoT applications, associated to the birth of new professional profiles, promote employment and boost the growth of the European businesses? Experts and researchers answered these questions during the final meeting of the project “Internet of Things for European Small and Medium Enterprises – IoT4SMEs”, organized by the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO, that was held on Monday, the 27th May in Rome, at the University’s Multimedia Hall (Piazza Grazioli 17, Rome).The IoT4SMEs project, funded in the framework of the Erasmus+ global program of which UNINETTUNO is prime contractor by coordinating the activities of universities and of a network of European businesses – coming from Italy, Germany, France, Spain, Lithuania and Portugal, follows the latest European policies aimed at spreading the IoT technologies, identifying their technological, social and economic impact. As regards the digital, the Internet of Things certainly is one of the technologies that is having the most disruptive effect. We need only think that in 2017, the existing connected devices exceeded the world population and, according to estimates, they will be over 50 billion by 2020. Recent surveys show how, among the main technologies for digital transformation, the Internet of Things will be the one that will have the far highest impact on the evolution of businesses in the next five years. This change is leading to new business models, new opportunities and even new challenges at global level. In the light of these new analyses, the IoT4SMEs project aims at: creating professionals capable of supporting digital transformation, exploiting the advantages offered by these technologies in times where their popularity and, at the same time, the demand for this kind of professionals increases. Actually, in the project’s framework, the researchers’ team specifically pointed to make small and medium European companies more aware about the benefits brought about by the use of the IoT and to create professional profiles for those working in businesses enhancing their digital skills and training them at managing and using the IoT technologies. Prof. Dario Assante (researcher at UNINETTUNO’s Engineering Faculty) opened the works and, after giving the greetings of UNINETTUNO’s Rector, Prof. Maria Amata Garito, presented the participants. UNINETTUNO, ELIS e PWC submitted a detailed analysis of the digital revolution and, more specifically of the IoT in terms of technologies, professional skills, business models and impact on companies. In the second session of the works, they illustrated the main results: four professional profiles in the field of IoT, defined based on the European ECVET standard to promote skills recognition; four vocational training courses connected to them, fully available at distance and including video lessons, texts, case studies, interviews with experts and many other training materials, integrated to a distance learning environment, realized based on UNINETTUNO’s model. Additionally, they presented also a Handbook including practical advice to understand the basics of the Iot technologies and start decision-making processes to adopt them. All the project results are freely accessible, as open educational resources on the website ( An international university as UNINETTUNO that moves towards innovation face those that, presently, appear as global challenges, decided to share the results of this ambitious project even through a public debate. Actually, this initiative allows for the participation and interaction of the audience from anywhere in the world: in live streaming on the University’s page on FB ( and in live streaming on UNINETTUNO’s portal ( addition, it is possible to watch again all the Digital Talks in an especially devote page on: