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Industry 4.0 in Circular Economy. Open Innovation for Security and Sustainability in the Era of Digital Technologies

Rome – UNINETTUNO Multimedia Hall - Piazza Grazioli, 17

Event Agenda not available

A conference aimed at deepening complex issues linked to the era of digital technologies. On issues such as big data, chemical and biological risks, web 3.0, modern society is urgently demanding that the individual’s security, environmental and social sustainability are respected.

Open Innovation represents an opening to the outside of those who create innovation, capable of enhancing the degree of participation and act as a catalyst for new opportunities also in function of the job market.

These issues require a participated society capable of transmitting this assessment and policy elements to the forthcoming generations. Technologies 4.0, from one side, find an application in education and training – essential to make society more aware as regards these issues – in a University like UNINETTUNO – and, on the other side, allow to obtain information from data – an added value – based on a higher expertise and interpretation capability.

The event will  be in live streaming on Facebook and on UNINETTUNO website.