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Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0687940271

Events May 2021


January     March     May     June     September     October     December
Kick-Off of the “NET Project” for the 2021 European Researchers’ Night 27/05/2021 - 24/09/2021 Follow the preparatory activities to the 2021 European Researchers’ Night on the page on Facebook devoted to the NET Project and UNINETTUNO’ page on Facebook It takes place Friday, September 24 the 2021 edition of the European Researchers'' Night!During the summer, the 2021 Night will be preceded by a series of activities that will engage researchers in Talks, urban and nature treks, scientific aperitifs, and lecture shows.
UNINETTUNO Digital Talk Presentation of the Course "Law in the Time of Covid" 17/05/2021 In live streaming on UNINETTUNO Portal and on UNINETTUNO Facebook Page On Monday, May 17, at 5:30 pm, there will be an online presentation of the course “Law at the Time of Covid”.

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