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Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0687940271

Events July 2012


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Helwan University: nuovi laureati UTIU discutono la tesi di laurea 2012 23/07/2012 Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt
UNIDO eLearning Launching Ceremony 19/07/2012 Erbil EDC / Uninettuno - Rome The Inauguration Ceremony of UNINETTUNO Technological Pole, established in the Iraqi town of Erbil, in the premises of the Ministry of Trade and Industry, took place on videoconferencing and represents the first step of a path that, for the first time after the war, exploits technology to connect the Iraqi people to Europe to exchange knowledgeand spread competences.
ISIAMED, “Rafforzare il Partenariato Strategico Italia – Turchia per la Crescita Economica del Mediterraneo”. Tavolo Formazione e Cultura “Formazione ed Innovazione: Capitale Umano ed Alta Tecnologia". 03/07/2012 ROMA Il Rettore dell'' Università Internazionale Telematica UNINETTUNO, Prof.ssa Maria Amata GARITO, interviene su: ““Formazione ed Innovazione: Capitale Umano ed Alta Tecnologia".

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