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Events May 2020


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UNINETTUNO Digital Talk “The Impact on Cultural Industry: Survival or Recovery? 26/05/2020 In live streaming on UNINETTUNO website and Facebook page On Tuesday, May the 26th at 5 pm, UNINETTUNO Digital Talk on “The Impact on Cultural Industry: Survival or Recovery?” will be held online. As a new opportunity to think, analyze and get a deeper insight into the effects of the pandemics, this event aims at taking stock, more specifically, on the health conditions and future prospects of the world of art and culture as well as on the measures required to support and relaunch the whole cultural industry.
UNINETTUNO Digital Talk "The Sources of Law and the Organization of the State at the Test of the Emergency: Who governs the Fundamental Rights?” 21/05/2020 In live streaming on UNINETTUNO website and Facebook page The rendezvous of UNINETTUNO’s Digital Talks, scheduled on weekly basis and devoted to the Covid-19 emergency, comes back again. On Thursday, the 21st May, from 5 pm to 6 pm, the Digital Talk, promoted by UNINETTUNO Law Faculty, entitled “The Sources of Law and the Organization of the State at the Test of the Emergency: Who governs the Fundamental Rights?” will be held online.
UNINETTUNO Digital Talk on “Public Investments: the Role of the State and Public-Private Finance” 19/05/2020 In live streaming UNINETTUNO’s website and Facebook page As the fourth rendezvous of the cycle devoted to the Covid-19 emergency and to its democratic, economic and social emergencies, the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO organized, on Tuesday the 19th May, from 5 pm to 6 pm, in live streaming on its website and on its FB page, a Digital Talk, entitled: " Public Investments: the Role of the State and Public-Private Finance ".
UNINETTUNO Digital Talk "Law to the test of Covid-19”: The Law Faculty reflects on the emergency 14/05/2020 In live streaming on UNINETTUNO’s website and Facebook page What is the impact of the Covid-19 emergency on the various juridical profiles? From constitutionally guaranteed rights to the rules pertaining to the regulation of security in the workplace, from the organization of the PA, to the access to the Internet and to an issue of high topicality such as the protection of privacy.The Law Faculty of the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO invites to attend the next debate of the next Digital Talk, entitled "The Law to the Test of Covid-19", that will be held online on Thursday the 14th May, from 9:30 am to 11:30 am.
UNINETTUNO Digital Talk: “The Tightness of the Economic System between Financial Markets and Investments” 12/05/2020 In live streaming on UNINETTUNO’s website and on Facebook page On Tuesday, May the 12th, at 5 pm, The International Telematic University UNINETTUNO organizes a Digital Talk entitled “The Tightness of the Economic System between Financial Markets and Investments”, third meeting of the cycle devoted to the Covid-19 emergency and to its democratic, economic and social emergencies, under the scientific supervision of Prof. Fabio G. Angelini, contract professor of Administrative Law at the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO and with the involvement of experts and academicians.
L''Università UNINETTUNO lancia l''iniziativa "L''Italia che legge" insieme alle case editrici Piemme, Sperling & Kupfer, Mondadori Electa e Rizzoli Illustrati 11/05/2020 On demand suoi canali social di Uninettuno e delle case editrici coinvolte, sul portale studio.uninettuno.it. e www.uninettunouniversity.net di Uninettuno e su UNINETTUNO.TV dal link https://tinyurl.com/yajlerar. Presentazioni di libri a portata di clic per sostenere l’editoria e incentivare la lettura in questo momento di emergenza: nasce così l’idea dell’Università Telematica Internazionale Uninettuno e delle case editrici Piemme, Sperling & Kupfer, Mondadori Electa e Rizzoli Illustrati, dal nome “L’Italia che legge”. Dal romanzo al saggio, dal fumetto al libro illustrato: una carrellata di generi letterari e autori che, grazie a un video di pochi minuti, presenteranno “a distanza” il proprio libro, per continuare a mantenere vivo il rapporto con i lettori. Le video-presentazioni saranno programmate secondo un palinsesto settimanale e accessibili anche on demand suoi canali social Twitter, Facebook, Instagram e Linkedin dell’Ateneo e delle case editrici coinvolte, sul portale studio.uninettuno.it. e www.uninettunouniversity.net di Uninettuno e su UNINETTUNO.TV dal link https://tinyurl.com/yajlerar.
UNINETTUNO, Digital Talk: “TUTTO IL MONDO FUORI”Un viaggio tra storie di errore e pentimento nel carcere di Padova 08/05/2020 In diretta streaming sul sito e sulla pagina Facebook di Uninettuno L''Università Telematica Internazionale Uninettuno organizza venerdì 8 maggio, in diretta streaming alle 17.00 sul sito e sulla Pagina FB di Uninettuno, il Digital Talk "Tutto il Mondo Fuori", introdotto e moderato dal Prof. Mons. Dario Edoardo Viganò,Preside della Facoltà di Scienze della Comunicazione di Uninettuno, con la partecipazione dell''attore Ignazio Oliva, regista del documentario, Don Marco Pozza, cappellano del carcere di Padova e dei Produttori Nicola Salvi ed Elisabetta Sola
L''emergenza e i suoi conflitti": ne parlano online esperti ed accademici al Digital Talk di UNINETTUNO 05/05/2020 In diretta streaming sul sito e sulla pagina FB di Uninettuno Viviamo in uno stato di conflittualità emergenziale. Ma come incide tutto ciò sulla legittimità dei poteri democratici, sul ruolo della amministrazione e sui diritti fondamentali della persona?Se ne discuterà al nuovo Digital Talk, "L''emergenza e i suoi conflitti", promosso da UNINETTUNO, con il coordinamento scientifico del Prof. Fabio G. Angelini, Prof. straordinario di Diritto Amministrativo presso l''Ateneo.

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