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Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0687940271

Events January 2021


January     March     May     June     September     October     December
Signing an Academic Agreement for DOUBLE DEGREE between the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO and the Université Catholique de Lille 27/01/2021 In live streaming on UNINETTUNO Portal and on UNINETTUNO Facebook Page On Wednesday, January the 27th, at 11 am, streamed live on UNINETTUNO’s website and on its page on Facebook, the Rector of the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO, Prof. Maria Amata Garito and the Rector of the Université Catholique de Lille, Prof. Patrick Scauflaire, sign an academic agreement for a DOUBLE DEGREE for the Master of Science in BUSINESS MANAGEMENT AND DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES.
Digital Talk UNINETTUNO “Hacker Attacks: a Phenomenon hanging over Technologies and People” 22/01/2021 In live streaming on UNINETTUNO Portal and on UNINETTUNO Facebook Page On Friday, the 22nd January, at 5 pm, UNINETTUNO Digital Talk “Hackers Attacks: a Phenomenon hanging over Technologies and People” will be held onli
UNINETTUNO Digital Talk on "WORLD LOGIC DAY 2021 - Logic: Thinking, Science and Society" 14/01/2021 In live streaming on UNINETTUNO Portal and on UNINETTUNO Facebook Page On Thursday, the 14th January, at 3 pm the "WORLD LOGIC DAY 2021 - Logic: Thinking, Science and Society” will be held online.

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