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Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0687940271

Events June 2016


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Business, Research and Economy Workshop 16/06/2016 Frascati (Rome, Italy)

In the frame work of the European Researchers’ Night,  UNINETTUNO is partnering the WIRE16 event aimed at starting an interactive and concrete dialogue between innovators and stakeholders and find a common path to fund the Country’s economic development.

In just 5 minutes researches, creative people, businessmen, students and potential funding organization may present their own ideas to make the world we live in better: the best ones will be prized thanks to the support of the the European Space Agency ESA-ESRIN (Frascati, Rome, Italy).

À première vue 16/06/2016 Roma, Isola Tiberina Nell’ambito della COPEAM, tre scuole di cinema del Sud del Mediterraneo – l’ALBA (Académie Libanaise des Beaux-Arts) di Beirut, l’ESAC (École Supérieure de l’Audiovisuel et du Cinéma) di Tunisi e l’ESAV (École Supérieure des Arts Visuels) di Marrakech – insieme all’Università Telematica Internazionale UNINETTUNO di Roma, hanno lanciato un piano d’azione che mira, fra l’altro, a sostenere la promozione dei film realizzati dai giovani registi nell’ambito del percorso di studi.

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