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Events 2016


January     February     March     May     June     September     October     November     December
Inauguration of the first academic year of the Master of Science in “Health Management” with the Global University of Science of Somalia 02/02/2016 Rome

On Tuesday, the 2nd February, during a videoconference between the Rector of the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO, Professor Maria Amata Garito, and the President of the Somali Global University of Science, Dr. Abdulcadir M. Giama, the first academic year of the Master of Science in “Health Management” aimed at training the managerial and administrative staff of the Somali hospitals.

Outocomes of PRIN 2010PEA4H8. Congress on the theme: "(Processes of Analysis for Strategies of Valorization of the Urban Landscapes. Historical Places, between Conservation and Innovation)” 29/01/2016 Rome, UNINETTUNO Telematic Lecture-Hall,Piazza Grazioli 17

On Friday, the 29th January from 9:30 to 18:00, in the Conference Hall of the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO, in piazza Grazioli 17, the Congress organized by the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO was held to conclude the national-relevant scientific research project, PRIN PEA4H8. 

Accordo tra Università Telematica Internazionale Uninettuno e Al Akhawayn University di Ifrane 26/01/2016 Roma Si rafforza la partnership tra il mondo accademico italiano e quello marocchino: oggi i due atenei hanno firmato un accordo importante che fa compiere grandi passi in avanti alla formazione universitaria dei paesi dell’area mediterranea.

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