Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Master of Science in Health Management (Academic Year 2024/2025) - Public Health Management

In order to study, choose your subject, there you will find the various learning environments (videolessons, slides, books and articles, multimedia, bibliography, webographies, labs, interactive exercises, forums, interactive classes) and lecturers/tutors who will interactively follow your learning process.
The Master’s course lasts 18 months corresponding to 90 ECTS credits structured in videolessons, seminars, exercises, conferences, tutoring activities, research activities and training periods. The Master’s course includes ten modules and a research dissertation. It has two specializations:
MSc in International Health Management
MSc in Public Health Management

MSc in International Health Management specialization:

Module 1 – Principles of Health Management - Coordinator: Dr. Kyriakos Kouveliotis
Module 2 – Human Resources Management and Health Organisations - Coordinator: Dr. Kyriakos Kouveliotis
Module 3 – Decision Making, Planning and Leadership - Coordinator: Dr. Kyriakos Kouveliotis
Module 4 – National Health Systems and Health Policy - Coordinator: Dr. Kyriakos Kouveliotis
Module 5 – Management of Health Organisations - Coordinator: Dr. Kyriakos Kouveliotis
Module 6 – Financial and Economic Management of Health Organisations - Coordinator: Dr. Despena Andrioti
Module 7 – Information Technology in Health Systems - Coordinator: Dr. George Gkoutos
Module 8 – Anthropology and Sociology of Health and Medical Care - Coordinator: Professor Nicolas Vernicos
Module 9 – Ethical, Cultural and Behavioural Aspects of Health - Coordinator: Professor Nicolas Vernicos
Module 10 – Socioeconomic Research in Health Services - Coordinator: Dr. Loukia Tsaprouni
Module 11 – Dissertation - Coordinators: Master’s Scientific Committee.

MSc in Public Health Management specialization:

Module 1 – Principles of Public Health - Coordinator: Dr. Kyriakos Kouveliotis
Module 2 – Globalization and Public Health Management - Coordinator: Dr. Kyriakos Kouveliotis
Module 3 – Decision Making, Planning and Leadership - Coordinator: Dr. Kyriakos Kouveliotis
Module 4 – Public Health Systems and Public Health Policy - Coordinator: Dr. Kyriakos Kouveliotis
Module 5 – Management of Health Organisations - Coordinator: Dr. Kyriakos Kouveliotis
Module 6 – Financial and Economic Management of Health Organisations - Coordinator: Dr. Despena Andrioti
Module 7 – Information Technology in Health Systems - Coordinator: Dr. George Gkoutos
Module 8 – Anthropology and Sociology of Health and Medical Care - Coordinator: Professor Nicolas Vernicos
Module 9 – Ethical, Cultural and Behavioural Aspects of Health - Coordinator: Professor Nicolas Vernicos
Module 10 – Research Methods - Coordinator: Prof. Kyriakos Kouveliotis
Module 11 – Dissertation - Coordinators: Master’s Scientific Committee.

In order to get the master’s title, that will be issued by the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO, the student has to prepare a final thesis on a topic agreed with the Master’s course Scientific Committee.
Curriculum (A.Y. 2024/2025)  

CourseECTSLanguageVideo professorsProfessor/Tutor responsible for teachingProfessor/Tutor
Principles of Public Health
Prof. Kyriakos Kouveliotis
Professor of Leadership and International Relations ( - )
Globalization and Public Health Challenges
Prof. Kyriakos Kouveliotis
Professor of Leadership and International Relations ( - )
Decision Making, Planning and Leadership
Prof. Kyriakos Kouveliotis
Professor of Leadership and International Relations ( - )
Prof. Kyriakos Kouveliotis
Professor of Leadership and International Relations ( - )
Public Health Systems and Public Health Policy
Prof. Kyriakos Kouveliotis
Professor of Leadership and International Relations ( - )
Management of Health Organisations
Prof. Alexandra Skitzou
Director of the Athens Ophthalmological Hospital ( - )
Prof. Athanasios Kosmopoulos
Director of the Athens Psychiatric Hospital ( - )
Financial and Economic Management of Health Organisations
Prof. Despena Andrioti
Hellenic Ministry of Health and Social Solidarity ( - )
Prof. Despena Andrioti
Hellenic Ministry of Health and Social Solidarity ( - )
Information Technology in Health Systems
Prof. George Gkoutos
Department of Genetics, Cambridge University ( - )
Prof. George Gkoutos
Department of Genetics, Cambridge University ( - )
Anthropology and sociology of Health and Medical Care
Prof. Nicolas Vernicos
Professor Emeritus University of the Aegean ( - )
Prof. Nicolas Vernicos
Professor Emeritus University of the Aegean ( - )
Ethical, Cultural and Behavioural Aspects of Health
Prof. Nicolas Vernicos
Professor Emeritus University of the Aegean ( - )
Prof. Loukia Tsaprouni
Senior Research Associate Imperial College London ( - )
Prof. Nicolas Vernicos
Professor Emeritus University of the Aegean ( - )
Prof. Loukia Tsaprouni
Senior Research Associate Imperial College London ( - )
Research Methods
Prof. Kyriakos Kouveliotis
Professor of Leadership and International Relations ( - )