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The International Telematic University UNINETTUNO live from the Summit of the Nobel Peace Laureates in Chicago – 23/25 April 2012


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This year again, as it was for the past editions,  the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO is a media partner of the 12th Edition of the World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates, taking place from the 23rd to the 25th April in Chicago.

The twelfth edition of the Summit will see the participation, among other, of Michail Gorbachev, Lech Walesa, Oscar Arias Sanchez, Jimmy Carter, H.H. the Dalai Lama, Shirin Ebadi, Jody Williams, Muhammed Yunus, Frederik Willem de Klerk, beside many representatives of international organisations that were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

Thanks to an agreement between the Permanent Secretariat of the Summit of the Nobel Peace Laureates, UNINETTUNO will broadcast the Summit sessions in live streaming and in a recorded version on UNINETTUNO TV and on Rai NETTUNO Sat satellite channel starting from 7:00 pm, Italian time, on Monday the 23rd April. The live streaming schedules are available on the website

Thanks to its network including 31 technological poles in the European and Mediterranean Basin countries such as France, Poland, Kosovo, Syria, Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Jordan, Turkey and Greece, UNINETTUNO will allow its students to follow the Summit works live and in recorded version on UNINETTUNO.TV ( and to take part in the discussion asking questions and making comments that will be posted on the UNINETTUNO page on Facebook.
For the first time, the Summit, whose title is “Speak Up, Speak Out for Freedom and Rights” and whose focus is on peace and human rights, is hosted in a city of North America. The participation of young students will be given a special emphasis thanks to interactive discussion panels.

On the 25th April, at 7:00 pm, Italian time, we will broadcast the speech of H.H. the Dalai Lama as well as the live “Nobel for Peace Summit Award” that this year will be awarded to Sean Penn for his engagement in the aids to Haiti’s population that was struck by the earthquake. The individual speeches will be broadcast again starting from next week on UNINETTUNO.TV, the television of knowledge and on Rai NETTUNO SAT, Sky  812 channel.

Thanks to its participation in the Nobel Peace Laureates Summit,  UNINETTUNO confirms its leading position among the university institutions worldwide that are pursuing the values and objectives of peace, dialogue and respect among cultures.

The International Telematic University UNINETTUNO is the first Italian distance university, recognised for it leading role worldwide for the development of distance teaching and learning processes, based on new technologies. It has at its disposal a technological platform in 5 languages (English, French, Italian, Arabic and Greek). It has students coming from over 40 countries; it offers degree courses in 4 languages (English, French, Italian and Arabic), Master’s courses and special courses promoting the democratisation of the access to knowledge and the fight against poverty.

For information and contacts
Nicola Paravati
Laura Kiss
tel.0039 06-69207628 - 06 69207627 -