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HOT BIRDTM TV AWARDS 2010 Nomination to“RAI NETTUNO SAT” The Television of Knowledge The Television of the Universities


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For the sixth time, an international jury, including journalists and experts in the field, awards RAI NETTUNO SAT among 151 channels of 21 countries of the world representing the excellence of satellite television broadcasting. The originality of the programmes, the quality of production and product innovation are the main aspects upon which the judgment of the experts has been expressed. RAI NETTUNO SAT, the television of the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO (UTIU), is “The Television of Knowledge”, a television of public concern, that brings culture and academic knowledge of renowned universities of the world to the homes of everybody, also of those who cannot go to the University. UTIU, The International Telematic University UNINETTUNO, broadcasts its courses on RAI NETTUNO SAT (822 SKY channel) and on the Internet, on the portal in several languages: Italian, Arabic, English, French etc. in Engineering, Economics, Law, Psychology, Philosophy, History, Literature, Art, as well as lessons to teach how to read and write Arabic and fight against the plague of illiteracy involving thousands of people and special lessons delivered by the protagonists of contemporary culture: artists, poets, writers, musicians, painters, actors, philosophers, who present their works, speak about their creativity, make the public go into the depth of theirs souls and make them understand the various forms of expression of contemporary thinking. UTIU students come from 40 different countries of the world; many of these come from the Arab World; they get a university study title recognised in Italy, Europe and in the Arab World.

The lessons of the Great Masters who speak about man’s feelings: love, kindness, generosity, respect of differences, religions in dialogue and the lessons on peace in the world that had as lecturers Nobel Laureates such as Gorbachev, the Dalai Lama, Perez Esquivel, Rigoberta Manchú who attracted the interest of the viewers and created also a new language and a new model of television, a television of thinking, of reflection.

This award has a great significance for our institution – states Prof. Maria Amata Garito, President of RAI NETUNO SAT and Rector of the UTIU – since it proves that television may become a toot that can promote the development of knowledge and competences. With RAI NETTUNO SAT we democratised the access to knowledge; today it is the only television channel of the world broadcasting, in English, Italian, French and Arabic, 24 hours a day, academic lessons delivered by renowned lectures coming from several university of the world and that are included into our degree courses and special lessons in which the protagonists of contemporary culture present their works, speak about ethics, values of man, respect for differences; they put different religions in dialogue. Our programming schedule is periodically enriched by issues related to peace in the world. RAI NETTUNO SAT helps to know about differences, to internationalise culture and knowledge, to promote dialogue among peoples having different cultures, religions and political settings. The television of the University is a new model of television that enables to shift from homo videns to homo videns sapiens. A television of knowledge in which the protagonist is actually KNOWLEDGE “.