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The Summit of the Nobel Peace Laureates in the Mediterranean TVs thanks to the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO


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This year too the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO will broadcast on its satellite television channel, RAI NETTUNO SAT 1, the World Summit of the Nobel Peace Laureates, that is going to take place in Rome, in Campidoglio, from the 13th to the 15th December. The Summit days, that reached its eighth edition, will be broadcast in their integral version on RAI NETTUNO SAT1 that covers the whole Euro-Mediterranean area thanks to Hot Bird satellite (that in Italy can be watched on the Sky 822 channel). Starting from the special lesson delivered by the Dalai Lama for the Roman students at the “Parco della Musica” Auditorium in Rome, all the most significant moments of the Conference will become lectures, models of life and of social commitment whose message is amplified thanks to satellite television and will become positive models for the European and Arab World audience. The network including 31 universities of 11 Mediterranean countries, established by UNINETTUNO, will actually serve to convey this message to the universities and youths meeting points. By now the students of the Arab and European countries are already using the Rai Nettuno Sat 1 satellite channel to follow the lessons delivered by the professors who cooperate with the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO in Arabic, Italian, French and English; so doing, they study at distance to get a study title in their own country and that is also recognised in Europe and in the Mediterranean Area. Beside the university lessons, the students will have the possibility of watching the teachings of the Nobel Prize Laureates protagonists of the Summit in a perspective of dialogue among cultures and exchange of knowledge that has always been a component of the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO philosophy, being a single great university where the best professors of international universities teach on the Internet and on television in the different languages. “By broadcasting one of the most important events worldwide on the themes of peace, we wish to make the citizens of the Mediterranean Sea get aware and educate them on fundamental questions such as dialogue among new generations – Prof. Maria Amata Garito, Rector of the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO and Director of Rai Nettuno Sat satellite channels. “Thanks to the potentials of the new technologies such as satellite TV and the Internet – continued Prof. Garito – we wish to teach especially to the young people the universal values on which the future of the whole planet depends”. Precisely for its commitment in the Mediterranean Area, Rai Nettuno Sat 1 won also in 2006 the prestigious “Hot Bird TV Award” for the ‘”Culture and Education’’ section, as best satellite channel in the Euro-Mediterranean Area. The International Telematic University UNINETTUNO was established by the Ministry of Education, University and Research with the decree of the 15th April 2005, as the first Euro-Mediterranean Distance University delivering courses in four languages (Arabic, English, French and Italian) via Internet and television.