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ENEL and UNINETTUNO launch Re-Generation, digital education of the company’s over-50 employees


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Rome, the 9th March 2021 – 

Enel Italia and the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO launched the Re-Generation educational project to offer opportunities for vocational retraining and academic training to the energy company's employees on the themes of technological innovation and digitalization. The initiative is aimed at Enel employees over 50, who will be able to study online on the e-learning platform of the digital university, choosing their program from a selection of 13 courses gathered in three scientific areas of high strategic value: Digital Economy, Law in the Digital Society, IT and New Technologies. The courses will also become part of the employee's training curriculum within Enel's dedicated e-Ducation platform.

"Digitization - comments Massimo Bruno, Head of People and Organization Italy at Enel - is one of the key levers for the energy transition underway and is at the heart of the Group's strategy. With this project we want to offer the opportunity for people working in Enel to enrich their cultural background and integrate their experience with new and increasingly useful skills, also expanding their range of professional opportunities". 

"This project is of great value - comments Maria Amata Garito, Rector of UNINETTUNO University - because it represents a virtuous model of cooperation between university and company; on the one hand, a company like Enel that has always given value to innovation and, on the other hand, a university like UNINETTUNO that, since its establishment, has revolutionized the ways of teaching and learning on the Internet and has redesigned the study curricula by inserting new degree courses and new subjects addressed to themes linked to technological innovation. This combination allows us to offer our students and professionals to acquire knowledge and skills necessary to successfully live in the Digital Society of the XXI Century".

The initiative is designed with the utmost attention to work life balance, in line with Enel's broader commitment to harmonize life and work through an "agile" organization and the introduction of services, actions and best practices. The courses, offered entirely by Enel, can be attended online during working hours; the video lessons can be viewed freely, even at other times, according to one's needs; they deal with innovative topics, in step with the needs of today's working environment, and are of short duration. In fact, the training proposal will be carried out through the innovative "Short Learning Program" developed by UNINETTUNO together with EADTU - European Association of Distance Teaching Universities in the context of the ESLP project with the most important European universities and the European Commission.

SLPs are short academic programs that provide a fast and flexible solution for retraining and professional updating, in an academic framework and international recognition through adherence to the European standards ECTS - European Credits Transformation System and EQF - European Qualification Framework. At the end of the study path, participants will obtain University Training Credits with the European standard ECTS that will certify internationally the skills and knowledge acquired.

The video lessons will be delivered by lecturers and experts from the best Italian universities, research centers and the excellence of the professional world of reference, the study will be integrated with multimedia teaching materials, virtual laboratories, online exercises and interactive classes accompanied by a tutor-teacher throughout the course until the final exam.