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Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0687940271

Media releases 2009

April     May     September     November     December

12/16/2009 Start off of the ceremony of awarding of the diplomas for the master’s course in euro-mediterranean cultures and policies of the international telematic university uninettuno to the students coming for the universities of the arab world On Wednesday the 16th December, at 6:00 pm, in the premises of the Conference of the Rectors of the Italian Universities (CRUI), piazza Rondanini n° 48, Rome, the ceremony of awarding of the diplomas of the Master’s Course in Euro-Mediterranean Cultures and Policies, delivered by the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO will be held in the presence of the Undersecretary to the Foreign Affairs Ministry, Hon. Vincenzo Scotti, of Ambassadors and Rectors of the Italian Universities
12/11/2009 Conference "The Challenges of Quality in e-Learning Universities" International Telematic University UNINETTUNO model for international standards of quality of e-learning in Europe.
11/12/2009 The Summit of the Nobel Peace Laureates watched by three million people live on the web thanks to the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO From the website www.uninettunouniversity.net the message of peace was spread via the Internet all over the world resulting in a million and half viewers daily with peaks for Annie Lennox and Wim Wenders who spoke about Calabria.
9/9/2009 THE INTERNATIONAL TELEMATIC UNIVERSITY UNINETTUNO – UTIU From Europe to the Arab World, a single great Euro-Mediterranean University starts from Italy and delivers graduate and undergraduate study titles.
5/14/2009 Le Consorzio NETTUNO /UNINETTUNO porte au Maroc “Le Trésor des Lettres”
5/14/2009 Il Consorzio NETTUNO /UNINETTUNO porta in Marocco “Il Tesoro delle Lettere”.
4/6/2009 L’Università Telematica Internazionale UNINETTUNO si distingue in ambito Europeo con il progetto "Cross Sector Virtual Mobility (CSVM)" designato ufficialmente come “Good Practice” dalla Commissione Europea

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