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Media releases July 2019

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7/31/2019 FOOTBALL – EDUCATION – CULTUREJointly building your future. A great educational project presented by the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO and the Lazio Sport Society

The International Telematic University UNINETTUNO and the Lazio Sport Association announce the birth of a collaboration, a national exclusivity for the S.S. Lazio, of the first “Post-Career Training School of S.S. Lazio – Youth Sector and Women’s Team”.This project is meant to give an answer to the problem met by all those who practice sport at a competitive level: namely that of facing the critical phase following their pulling back, once they have finished their career. Actually, only in a few cases, the former athletes succeed in joining their team’s managerial staff; on the contrary, several among them lose themselves and become only old stars. 

7/25/2019 "The truth and drama of immigration and wars”An exclusive account by Roberto Saviano on UNINETTUNOUNIVERSITY.TV channel aired on Saturday July the 27th at 9 pm and re-run further on With the strength of his touching and profound words that are not afraid of any censorships and that, relentlessly, tell the truth, Roberto Saviano speaks about the drama of wars and migration in an exclusive video for the digital channel of the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO (UninettunoUniversity.Tv). 
7/4/2019 Getting ready for the social society challengesUNINETTUNO, the University of the XXI Century, creates digital skills for the new labor markets
From Big Data to Cybersecurity, from the Neurosciences to Cyberpsycology: kick-off for the new Degree and Master’s Courses of 2019/2020 Acad. Year to develop the professional skills of the future.The International Telematic University UNINETTUNO has been developing withing a more and more globalized world, making of the use of the new technologies and of the outcomes of the related psycho-pedagogic research work, the tools on which to found an excellence-level distance teaching model, acknowledged by the international scientific community. 

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