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Media releases November 2021

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11/17/2021 UNINETTUNO. Today, End of the Second Edition of “Football-Education-Culture”, the Educational Project devoted to the Young Athletes of the S.S. Lazio Rome 17 November 2021 - The final ceremony of the second edition of  the “Post-Career Training School of S.S. Lazio – Youth Sector and Women’s Team School” was held this afternoon; the project, born from the agreement signed in July 2019 between UNINETTUNO, S.S. Lazio and Banca del Fucino to offer a training path that supports Lazio's young men and women athletes in their professional development and personal growth, preparing them not only for the sporting world, but also for a possible future outside football.
11/10/2021 Al via la seconda edizione di “Reporting Climate Change”, il corso dell’Università telematica Uninettuno e della Copeam sui temi ambientali della COP26

Roma 10 novembre 2021 – Al via la seconda edizione del corso e-learning internazionale “Reporting Climate Change”, dedicato al tema del cambiamento climatico e lanciato da UNINETTUNO e COPEAM (Conferenza Permanente dell’Audiovisivo Mediterraneo) nel corso dei lavori della COP26 di Glasgow, grazie al sostegno della BEI - Banca Europea per gli Investimenti

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