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Media releases 2006

January     February     March     June     July     September     October     November     December

12/20/2006 Parte il “Corso a distanza per preparatori atletici di calcio” del Prof. Di Salvo Con UNINETTUNO e IUSM si possono studiare a distanza i segreti della preparazione atletica dei campioni del calcio Il corso sarà disponibile via internet a partire dal 15 gennaio. Già aperte le iscrizioni sul sito www.uninettunosrl.net Un corso a distanza sulla preparazione atletica del calciatore per apprendere senza limiti di spazio e di tempo e parallelamente all’attività lavorativa le moderne metodiche di allenamento dei campioni del calcio. Il corso si rivolge inoltre a tutti i preparatori atletici di calcio che vogliono aggiornare le proprie conoscenze e confrontarsi con altri professionisti del settore. Tutto ciò sarà possibile grazie alla collaborazione tra l’Istituto Universitario di Scienze Motorie (IUSM) di Roma e UNINETTUNO che utilizzeranno il modello didattico a distanza sperimentato dal Nettuno, Network per l’Università Ovunque.
11/17/2006 The world meeting on the issue of Nuclear and Alternative Energy will be broadcast in three languages on RAI NETTUNO SAT 1 channel Thanks to the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO the Summit of the Nobel Prize Laureates will be aired on the Mediterranean TVs The Rector Prof. Garito: “From Rifkin to Gorbachev, the sustainable development will be explained to all citizens of the Mare Nostrum: an example of Television that creates positive models and values” The International Telematic University UNINETTUNO will broadcast on its satellite television channel Rai NETTUNO Sat 1, the World Summit of the Nobel Prize Laureates, that is taking place in Rome, in Campidoglio, from the 17th to the 19th November. It will be possible to consult the programme broadcasting schedule on the University Internet site www.uninettunouniversity.net, the first didactic portal in the world in 4 languages: Italian, Arabic, French and English.
10/25/2006 I recital di John Sinclair e John Giorno, ultimi artisti di un movimento rivoluzionario La Poesia della Beat generation in TV grazie all’ UNINETTUNO e all’editore Stampa Alternativa Il Rettore Prof. Garito: “Mandiamo in onda l’arte, la letteratura e tutto quello che in Televisione normalmente non si puٍ vedere”
9/28/2006 The International Distance University doubles last year success RAI NETTUNO SAT 1: the first television in four languages won the Hot Bird Awards 2006 The Rector Prof. Garito said: “Our university lessons in Italian, French, Arabic and English are a positive example of confrontation among different cultures thanks to the new technologies” Also in 2006, after the recognition of the past year, the International Telematic University Uninettuno was awarded the prestigious prize “Hot Bird TV Awards 2006” for the section “Culture and Education” on the television channels RAI NETTUNO SAT. A relevant recognition of the thematic television channels run by the academic world, that for the diffusion of knowledge and thought among the European and the world countries, carry out an important role to get cultures and civilizations nearer.
This year thanks to the project Med Net’U Mediterranean Universities Network, the satellite channels Rai Sat Nettuno broadcasted university and vocational lessons in four languages:Italian, French, English and Arabic, thus becoming mediators among the different cultures in the Mediterranean Basin and in all of Europe.
7/25/2006 The Med Net’U Project, funded by the European Commission and coordinated by NETTUNO, ends up in Cairo. A new pole of the Italian University opened in Egypt.Attending also the Egyptian Minister and the Italian Undersecretary to University and Research The International Telematic University UNINETTUNO protagonist of the dialogue with the Mediterranean Area for the distance training of flows of immigrants arriving to Italy The Rector, Prof. Garito: We shall train the new professional profiles demanded by the global market of labour “The distance method tested by Consorzio NETTUNO, gone past the Med Net’U Project extraordinary experience and enhanced by the birth of the first Euromediterranean distance university, the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO, will be at the centre of the Italian Government’s plans to restart the dialogue with the countries of the southern shore of the Mediterranean Sea. The flows of immigrants, recently opened up by Mr. Prodi’s Government, will be able to take advantage of distance vocational training thanks to the courses, realised in 4 languages within the Med Net’U Project, acquiring expertise and skills before coming back to Italy”. This was stated by Prof. Luciano Modica, Undersecretary to the Italian Ministry of the University and Research, attending this morning in Cairo the Med Net’U Project Final Conference.
7/21/2006 The Ministries of Research and University of many Arabic Countries will be in Cairo on July the 25th for the Final Conference of Med Net’U Project, coordinated by NETTUNO and funded in the framework of the European Commission’s EUMEDIS Programme The International Telematic University UNINETTUNO: a great opportunity for Euromediterranean cooperation on the issues of knowledge and education Thanks to the results achieved by the European Project Med Net’U - Mediterranean Network of Universities – the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO is born; it is the first Euromediterranean distance university based on Italian technology and methodology.
Med Net’U, coordinated by Consorzio NETTUNO – Network per l’Università Ovunque – funded by the European Commission in the framework of the EUMEDIS Programme, will close with a great ceremony taking place in Cairo, at Helwan University campus on July the 25t
6/15/2006 The Egyptian Students will receive a study title recognised in Egypt and in EuropeSigned Agreement between UNINETTUNO University and Helwan University in Cairo The International Telematic Univeresity UNINETTUNO starts up the realisation of a new Multimedia Technological Pole for distance teaching in Egypt, at the Helwan University’s site. This has been achieved by the Agreement signed today by the Rector of the Italian University, Prof. Maria Amata Garito, and by the Rector of the Egyptian Helwan University, Abdelhay Ebaid.This Technological Pole will give the Egyptian students the opportunity of taking a study title recognised in Egypt and in Italy as well.
3/14/2006 Un nouvel espace culturel entre l’Italie – Europe et le monde arabe naît L’accord entre l’Université UNINETTUNO et le Gouvernement du Maroc signé.
Le premier pôle technologique pour la formation à distance inauguré à Rabat.
Dix mille jeunes arabes, les premiers inscrits aux cours, qui recevront un titre d’étude reconnu en Italie et en Europe.
3/7/2006 From Europe to the Arab world, one great Euro.mediterranean university starting from Italy and providing for academic and after-university titlesInternational Telematic University UNINETTUNO One great university where the most well-known teachers in the European and mediterranean universities teach in different faculties: from Engineering to Philosophy, from Preservaton of Cultural Goods to Law and Economics. European and Arab teachers co-operating for the creation of one international pole of Knowledge. A dream coming true, thanks to new technologies and to International Telematic University UNINETTUNO, created by the Italian Minister of Education with the decree of 15th April 2005
3/7/2006 The distance University “Anywhere you are” speaks 5 languages: Italian, English, French, Spanish, ArabicFrom Med Net’U – Mediterranean Network of Universities- to the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO In more than ten years of activity, NETTUNO – Network for University Anywhere, the first television and telematic university in Europe, could spread its own mixed didactical model at an international level, wich bacame a landmark for important University and Governmental institutionsin European and Mediterranean countries.

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