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Media releases 2020

January     February     March     April     May     June     July     October     November     December

12/17/2020 Business International and UNINETTUNO together for a new Italian Digital Culture

Milan, 17 December 2020Fiera Milano MediaBusiness International and the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO, today, announce the signature a three-year partnership that will see these two organizations, working in the field of the academic and vocational high-level learning, join their efforts in order to offer innovative paths of digital learning for anybody wishing to exploit new skills and knowledge or, simply, deepen some aspects of their subject of interest, paying particular attention to economic, financial and management issues.

11/6/2020 E-World Marketing Summit: the Universities of the whole world on UNINETTUNO e-Learning platform to discuss about the future economy

On the 6th and 7th November, the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO presents the Electronic World Marketing Summit, the biggest online event worldwide devoted to strategic marketing, realized by the UNINETTUNO University in cooperation with Philip Kotler, the guru digital marketing and of the Kotler Impact Foundation.

10/16/2020 Shoah: the States-General of Memory to teach the New Generation respect for Man’s Universal Values  Rome, the 16th October 2020 – Preserving the memory of one of the most tragic periods in the history of mankind, in order to teach young people not to forget the atrocities experienced by the past generations. This is the message that emerged today from the States-General of Memory, which were held at the Historical Archives of the Presidency of the Republic, in live streaming on the website and on the FB page of the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO and on the portal of the Historical Archives of the Presidency of the Republic.
7/8/2020 UNINETTUNO: Record-breaking enrolments (+25%). Increasing also the number of foreign students (+15%). Today the University’s Open Day in live streaming

Rome, the 8th July 2020 - Today at 5 pm, there will be UNINETTUNO’s Open Day, streamed live on the University’s website and FB page, with the Faculties’ Deans who will present the educational offer for 2020-2021 Academic Year.

6/18/2020 UNINETTUNO presents the Digital Talk: "The Magic Memory of Federico Fellini 1920-2020"

Rome, the 18th June 2020 – Today, from 5 to 6 pm, the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO presents, in live streaming and on its  website and on the FB page of the University, the Digital Talk: "The Magic Memory of Federico Fellini 1920-2020".

6/11/2020 From TV to the Internet, from the Consorzio NETTUNO of 1992 to the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO. The First Italian Distance University that changed the Way to spread Knowledge in Italy and across the World
  • Today, at 5 pm,UNINETTUNO presents the Digital Talk on the story and origins of the first Online Italian University, streamed live on the University’s website and FB page
  • The event will be introduced by the Rector, Prof. Maria Amata Garito, and will see the participation of some of its founders: Prof. Patrizio Bianchi, Prof. Luciano De Menna, Prof. Francesco Profumo and Prof. Giovanni Puglisi
5/22/2020 Uninettuno: il digital talk sulle fonti del Diritto e l''organizzazione dello Stato alla prova dell''emergenza. Chi governa i Diritti fondamentali?

Roma 22 maggio 2020 – Nell'ambito dei Digital Talks dedicati all'emergenza Covid-19, organizzati settimanalmente dall’Università Telematica Internazionale Uninettuno, si  è svolto nella data del 21 maggio, alle 17:00,  in diretta streaming sul sito e sulla Pagina Facebook dell'Ateneo, il webinar promosso dalla Facoltà di Giursisprudenza di Uninettuno dal titolo: "Le fonti del Diritto e l'organizzazione dello Stato alla prova dell'emergenza: chi governa i Diritti fondamentali?".

5/11/2020 The UNINETTUNO University launches the initiative "L''Italia che legge (The Italy that reads)" jointly with the publishing houses, Piemme, Sperling & Kupfer, Mondadori Electa and Rizzoli Illustrati

Rome, the 11th May  - Book presentations just a click away to support the publishing industry and promote reading in this emergency times: this is how the idea of the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO and of the publishing houses, Piemme, Sperling & Kupfer, Mondadori Electa and Rizzoli Illustrati, named as “L’Italia che legge (The Italy that reads)” was born.

From novels to essays, from cartoons to illustrated books: a parade of literary genres and authors that, thanks to a video of a few minutes, present, “at distance” their own book to keep alive their relationship with the readers.

5/7/2020 UNINETTUNO, Digital Talk: “TUTTO IL MONDO FUORI”. A journey between stories of failures and regret in Padua’s prison

On May the 8th , the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO organizes, in live streaming, at 5 pm, on UNINETTUNO’s website and on FB page, the Digital Talk "Tutto il Mondo Fuori (All the World Outside)", introduced and moderated by Prof. Mons. Dario Edoardo Viganò, Dean UNINETTUNO’s Communication Sciences Faculty, with the participation of the actor, Ignazio Oliva, director of the documentary, of Reverend Marco Pozza, chaplain of the prison of Padua and of the producers, Nicola Salvi and Elisabetta Sola.

4/16/2020 "Doing Journalism Today: Languages and Tools”: the Signatures of Today’s Italian Journalism at your home in the free online course of the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO for all citizens Giulia Aloisio, Alessio Balbi, Maurizio Caprara, Furio Colombo, Luigi Contu, Marco Damilano, Antonio Di Bella, Giovanni Floris, Emanuele Giordana, Ignazio Ingrao, Fabrizio Noli, Edoardo Novelli, Eugenio Occorsio, Raffaele Pastore, Marco Politi, Vittorio Riodi, Giuseppe Sanzotta, Marco Travaglio, Maarten van Aalderen.

Some of the signatures of today’s Italian journalism become the protagonists of the video lessons realized by the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO, in the free online course entitled "Doing Journalism Today: Languages and Tools", which can be accessed by students, teachers of the schools of all orders and degrees and by the universities and by all the Italian citizens who can access it through the portal of #IOSTUDIOACASACONUNINETTUNO (ISTUDYATHOMEWITHUNINETTUNO).

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