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Media releases 2019

January     February     March     May     June     July     September     October     November     December

3/20/2019 Youths versus experts to speak about “Virtual communities and real communities” in the latest Uninettuno Digital Talk What is the relationship between youths and the Web? Flavia, Celeste and Giulia, three very young students aged 19, 15 and 12, invited by UNINETTUNO to debate, for the first time, with experts and accademicians, during the new Digital Talk entitled "Virtual Communities and Real Communities", that will be held in Rome, on Wednesday March the 20th, at 5 pm in the University’s Multimedia Hall (Piazza Grazioli, 17). 
2/28/2019 The International Telematic University Uninettuno among the founders of the global Consortium for the quality of online distance university education During the opening ceremony of the Innovation Arabia Conference, organized in Dubai by the HBMSU – Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart University - the first International Consortium aimed at establishing specific criteria, allowing to identify, in scientific terms, the quality benchmarks on which the structures and systems for the evaluation distance universities on the Internet at a global level must be based, is born.
1/21/2019 Four lecturers of the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO in the experts pool of the Ministry of Economic Development to design the national strategy on Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain. On Monday, the 21st January, starting from 11:00 am, the meetings in which the high-level experts teams on Artificial Intelligence and distributed registries and Blockchain will take office at the “Arazzi” Hall at the Ministry of Economic Development. Among them, four lecturers of the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO.
1/7/2019 UNINETTUNO joins the "Universities #jointogether network" of the United Nations

Because of the commitment shown in the achievement of the UN 2030 sustainable development goals, the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO is the only Italian university becoming a member the Universities #JoinTogether Network, a network of Universities from all over the world, established to share ideas and best practices aimed at the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

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