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Media releases November 2019

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11/19/2019 WORLD TELEVSION DAY "ERA LA RAI”: the story of RAI told by its protagonists. The new TV program by UNINETTUNO

On the 21st November, on the occasion of 2019 World Television Day, the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO presents the television program entitled: “Era la Rai. Alle Origini del Servizio Pubblico (It was RAI. At the Origins of the Public Service)”, designed and supervised by Lilli Fabiani and realized by the UNINETTUNO University. The event will be held on Thursday the 21st , at 12:00 am, at the University’s Conference Hall (Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 – Rome - Italy). An opportunity to reflect, all together, on the role played by RAI in the cultural growth of our Country. 

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