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Media releases April 2007

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4/18/2007 Great success in Jordan during the final step of the project funded by the European Union: 25 students won the free enrolment to the first distance Master in European Culture in 4 languages OPEN SKY EUROPE: 150 young graduating of 8 MEDA Countries discover Europe thanks to the UNINETTUNO University The Rector of the International Telematic Atheneum. Prof. Garito: “We offer to young people the instruments for deeper knowledge the past, better live the present and look together to the future of the Europe and the Mediterranean Area” Today in Dead Sea, in Jordan, Jordan it took place the great final ceremony for the start up of the e-learning Master in European Culture, Open Sky Europe, promoted by the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO and funded by the European Union as part of the “Euromed Regional Communication” program. The event raised up the dialogue between culture and is addressed to young graduates of Universities of MEDA Countries, in order to open them the doors towards the new world of labour and of the mutual knowledge between the South and North area of the Mediterranean. Europe and European Union, their policy, culture and history reach the new generations of the Euro Mediterranean Area thanks to the lessons of important protagonists of the recent European history and by international famous professors who deliver videolessons in four languages, Italian, French, English and Arabic and broadcasted through the website of the master: www.uninettunosrl.net/openskyeurope.

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