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Media releases 2014

May     October     December

12/5/2014 Italy world leader in distance education through the Internet: The International Telematic University UNINETTUNO conquers the 2014 International E-Learning Award for the best E-Learning Portal in the world On December the 5th, in Dubai, the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO was awarded the 2014 International E-Learning Award (Academic Division) as Runner-up for the best e-learning portal worldwide. The International E-Learning Award 2014 is delivered by the IELA – International E-Learning Association, based in New York and includes members from all continents and from all sectors (industry, businesses, governments, universities). IELA’s objective is to promote research, knowledge and development in the field of e-learning in classrooms, universities and in workplaces. The Scientific Committee that assessed the applicants for the 2014 International E-Learning Award, chaired by David Guralnick, professor at Columbia University’s Teachers College is founder of Kaleidoscope Learning- Professor David Guralnick stated that he was impressed by the number and variety of 2014 applications and by the quality of UNINETTUNO E-Learning provision and this is the reason why the Jury decided to award the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO the International E-learning Award Academic Division for the e-learning sector.

Rome, the 10th November, launch of UNINETTUNO and ASD course, AeroSpace andDefence Industries Association, on the specific Simplified Technical English, ASD-STE100aimed at training technical authors for the aerospace or high technology industry who aredirectly involved in preparing technical documentation in the English language.
The distance training course will be delivered on UNINETTUNO e-learning platform andwill be certified by UNINETTUNO jointly with ASD.

5/13/2014 Convegno “La convenzione Rai 2016: un nuovo patto con gli italiani” Dopo vent’anni la Rai fa il “punto e a capo”. L’occasione è data dal rinnovo, previsto nel maggio 2016 della Convenzione con lo Stato, che ne fissa diritti, doveri, modalità di gestione. La precedente, tuttora vigente, risale al 1994.

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