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Media releases October 2015

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10/22/2015 XXIX Festival Eurovisioni Nell''ambito del XXIX Festival Eurovisioni, il giorno 22 Ottobre 2015 si terrà il convegno "Per una collaborazione virtuosa tra media e formazione superiore" che vedrà anche l''intervento del Rettore Prof.ssa Maria Amata Garito.
10/21/2015 UNINETTUNO signs a cooperation protocol with A.M.S.I., CO-MAI and UNITI PER UNIRE UNINETTUNO signs a cooperation protocol with A.M.S.I., CO-MAI and Uniti per Unire (United for Uniting) in the presence of the Ambassador of the Arab League in Italy, Nassif Youssef Hitti, and of the Ambassador, Enrico Granara, representing the Italian Foreign Affairs Ministry.
10/14/2015 Innovative Educational Models… beyond the good school, towards the good university On Wednesday the 14th October 2015, at 11h:00 am, at the conference hall of the Istituto di Santa Maria in Aquiro of the Italian Senate there will be the presentation of the book of the Rector, Prof. Maria Amata Garito, "L''università del XXI secolo tra tradizione e innovazione", and of UNINETTUNO’s model.

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