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Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0687940271

Technological Pole in Tbilisi - Georgia




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The first Technological Pole of the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO in Georgia è is equipped with all the technologies needed to follow, in the language of one’s choice (Arabic, French, English, Italian and Spanish), the distance teaching courses of the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO and participate in training activities by videoconferencing; it will be a physical place for real meetings to host the organization of face-to-face exams, meetings and seminars with teachers and tutors who will be at the students’ disposal.

Minerva è is an NGO, registered in Georgia as non-for-profit juridical entity. Minerva ONG is specialized in the delivery of training courses aimed at the Georgian population, most notably in the sectors of sustainable tourism and European integration.

Minerva NGO è works in the following fields:

Promoting the spread of European languages and culture; supporting the education of the most vulnerable and disabled; promoting sustainable and responsible tourism, paying particular attention to the participation disabled people, thanks to the use of new technologies and methodologies; training of tourist guides for the development of a sustainable and accessible tourism; production of texts and of educational materials for delivering the above-mentioned courses, realized in accordance with the European directives and integrated by applied technologies, meant to promote sustainable tourism even supporting disabled people; support to cultural and professional development in the sectors of computer science and electronics favoring the access of both ICT workers and computer science and electronics graduate workers to the Georgian and foreign labor market; supporting the European integration process checking the progress of regulations and infrastructures in the territory of Georgia, paying particular attention to the most vulnerable people (poor and disabled people).

Minerva Technological Pole (Tbilisi - Georgia)
Head of the Technological Pole
Dr. Maya Jijava
Business Center ‘Besiki'
apt 404/405
St. Besiki n. 4
Tbilisi, Georgia